Single quote vs double quote. ‘We “welcome” you.

Single quote vs double quote. The use of single quotes [ ' .

Single quote vs double quote String assignment. Mar 7, 2015 · While this might sometimes look different from the input (the enclosing quotes could change), the two strings are equivalent. ' Double “smart quotation marks” must be escaped in a double-quoted string. Jul 5, 2013 · I know that difference between using single quote instead of double quote is that variables aren't expanded. double quotation marks: What’s the difference? In form, quotation marks (or simply “quotes” for short) are just commas, elevated to the top of a text line instead of at the bottom. This article sets out to demystify these conventions, offering a clear guide on when and how to use each type of quotation mark. If a string with escape characters is formatted in double quotes, escape characters can be interpreted. May 28, 2019 · I tested the single quote and double quotes in sed. example 1 - all strings use double quotes; example 2 - no strings (except the last two) use quotes; the YAML cookbook says: Enclosing strings in double quotes allows you to use escaping to represent ASCII and Unicode characters. Nov 24, 2011 · $()runs the enclosed command in a subshell and returns its output. I just did some benchmarks and tested string assignment with a 5 test cases: double quotes + variable, double quotes, double quotes and string append, single quotes, and single quotes with string append. Jan 16, 2013 · That's because double quotes is considered standard while single quote is not. In most other situations with SAS, double and single quotes are interchangeable. – Single quotes delimit a string constant or a date/time constant. Double-quoted strings. The quote type that is used should match on both sides. Double quotes allow complex literals. The following line is legal in Java: Use double quotes when there’s a quotation inside a string - you can easily surround the quotation with single quotes. Local variables or params will yield a bad substitution. rb require 'benchmark' n = 1000000 Benchmark. def str='a single quoted string' println str Ouput : a single quoted string Whereas Double-quoted strings allow us the String interpolation Here, we have a string with a placeholder referencing a local variable: Feb 10, 2021 · Single Quotation Mark: Double Quotation Mark: Represented as ‘ ‘ Represented as ” “ Single quotes for anything that behaves like an Identifier. See also: Do different databases use different name quote? You can make MySQL use double-quotes per the ANSI Dec 24, 2024 · This is just one example of how to use single and double quotation marks in line with the rule of thumb mentioned above. In YAML, you can enclose strings using single quotes (' ') or double quotes (" "). ‘We “welcome” you. Single quote , double quote, or backquotes (backticks) Single quote - indicates a byte type or rune type which corresponds to uint8 or int32 as well as the default rune type. It isn’t used very often in AP style, but there are some times when using it is necessary. There is no difference whatsoever between the single and double quotes, however in my experience there has been for a long time a move towards using single quotes (supported by linters) simply because it makes for less cluttered readable code. e. In general, double quotations marks are used far more often than single quotation marks. Use the double quotes to wrapper things to avoid escaping headaches. For example, if you’re quoting a passage that already features a quote, use double quotation marks for the main quote and single Jan 17, 2021 · It improves readability. Nov 11, 2022 · Don’t switch to the [single quotes] (double quotes) [single quotes] template in the middle of the writing. Where SAS has to interact with external software, eg the operating system or a relational database then the rules of the eternal application must be followed; double quotes for Windows and single quotes in most other cases. Here-strings. Jan 17, 2024 · Meaning of Double Quote. double quotes. Oct 15, 2019 · single quotes define a character vector with size 1xN, where N is the number of characters between the quotes. Meaning of Single QuoteA single quote is In this way double quotes can be used to mask single quotes or single quotes can be used to mask double quotes. The string is enclosed in double quotes if the string contains a single quote and no double quotes, otherwise it is enclosed in single quotes. like : . Dec 26, 2013 · Note that double quotes inside single quotes do not allow macro expressions to be evaluated. May 14, 2024 · Difference Between Single and Double Quotes: In English, there are two types of quotation marks: single quotes (' ') and double quotes (" "). Double quotes act similarly to single quotes, except double quotes still allow the shell to interpret dollar signs, back quotes and backslashes. Sep 10, 2010 · In C and in C++ single quotes identify a single character, while double quotes create a string literal. Double quote - indicate strings which are char arrays. This use is a no-brainer. " () (press) Single quotes encode a single character (data type char), while double quotes encode a string of multiple characters. This is generally only necessary when your identifier doesn't fit the rules for simple identifiers. In much earlier versions of SAS the double quote was not available and a different solution to this type of problem was employed. Single quotes are used for regular expressions, dict keys or SQL. You can also escape in both of them using the backslash character, so it doesn't matter which one you pick. There will be no difference in formatting when generating and publishing docs from these strings. Single vs Double quotes (' vs ") (17 answers) Closed 9 years ago . Quotation Marks in the UK vs. Note that you need to pay attention to any restrictions imposed by the database that you are querying (some databases treat single and double Nov 7, 2023 · 2. Just for curiosity, there is a further explaination in R-help mailing list for Why double quote is preferred in R:. Here the outside double quotes are replaced by a single quote and the apostrophe is replaced Jan 29, 2016 · The characters ‘$’ and ‘’ retain their special meaning within double quotes ($ for variables and for executing). ; double quotes define a string array with size 1x1 (i. A string enclosed in double quotation marks is an expandable string. – Johan Svensson Commented Jun 24, 2018 at 13:27 Feb 19, 2018 · When I execute a Format Document command on a Vue Component. Sep 12, 2023 · Single and double quotation marks both appear in pairs and work the same way: most often, they enclose a quotation or direct speech, but they can also indicate irony, set off the title of a work (like the name of a song or a poem), or show that a word is used as itself in a sentence. I figured, after seeing this tweet, to give a quick run down of when to use which one. In the UK Sep 11, 2008 · Double quotes for text; Single quotes for anything that behaves like an identifier; Double quoted raw string literals for regexps; Tripled double quotes for docstrings; I'll stick with that even if it means a lot of escaping. In a single quoted string, only \\ (backslash backslash) and \' (backslash quote) are taken as special characters. Let’s look at some additional uses of quotation marks. Jan 20, 2022 · There is a difference between single '' and double quotes "" in Ruby in terms of what gets to be evaluated to a string. Backticks are ES6 introduction for template literals and should really only be used for that UNLESS you want to do a multiline string. I personally use single quotes for programmatic stuff and double quotes for user-presented text, unless required otherwise. Side note: double quotes seem to be more common, but single quotes can be embedded in JSON without escape characters (For that inevitable service-in-transition that tunnels some bit of XML in JSON :O). Sep 8, 2015 · There can be a lot of confusion over when to use single and double quotes in PowerShell. From trying to google "windows batch single quote vs double quote" I've found a few articles where people asked about having windows treat single quotes like double quotes, and about how bash treats single quotes and double quotes differently. Useful. When writing SQL, it is helpfult to use double quotes because you can then use single quotes inside it. In C single quotes are reserved for something different (char). Not to worry, this confusion carries over in a lot of programming and scripting languages, such as Perl. ’ Eg. My test code. Since most strings don't contain a single quote, I don't often have to use double quotes. Single-quoted and double-quoted literals create values with different types in C, C++ and C#. Nicholas C. 2] $ cat benchmark_quotes. (And vice versa switching double and single quotes. 'a' is a single a character literal, while "a" is a string literal containing an 'a' and a null terminator (that is a 2 char array). Jul 22, 2016 · Single quotes on the other side are literals. And not really confusing. If you use double quote signs, you should use single quotation signs for a quote within a quote. Use r"""raw triple double quotes""" if you use any backslashes in your docstrings. I could imagine that the double quotes produce a slight overhead due to computing, but I doubt it's significant. Because then one might have to interpret an incoming string (not a python dictionary). Use a \ backslash to escape single quotes in a single quote string. Single quotes: Enclosing characters in single quotation marks (‘) holds onto the literal value of each character within the quotes. In Ruby, PHP and Perl, single-quoted strings imply no backslash escapes while double quotes support them. For popularity, it's just on preference because it truly doesn't matter. A publisher’s or author’s style may take precedence over national general Dec 29, 2019 · Backticks make escaping quotes unnecessary, and I have to imagine single/double quotes in strings are more common than backticks for AirBNB (and almost everyone else). Differences between Single Quote and Double Quote To answer the question about whether using single- vs double-quotes as means to determine hand-written vs generated HTML, no it's probably not a good idea. I would confuse you even more, saying, that you can also use slash /, dolar-slash $/ and triple-double quotes """ with same result. In other words, no strings in single quotes. Example: ‘ “Someone Like You” is my favorite song from Adele’s 21 album,’ said Catherine. 6. Sep 9, 2024 · 'Single ‘‘smart quotation marks’’ must be escaped in a single-quoted string. These structures can be nested. To avoid confusion for those who are accustomed to programming in the C family of languages (C, C++, Java), where there is a difference in the meaning of single quotes and double quotes. Double-quoted is a GString, and it allows string-interpolation. The difference is similar to the difference between a single integer and an array of integers. Advantages of Single Quotes. Your first two examples are trying to run the command "ls -ltr". The quotation rules for here-strings are slightly different. Ruby only interprets escape sequences in double quoted strings. Apr 11, 2013 · Depends what you want to do. Quoted Speech. This is not really specific to JQuery, but its about JSON standard. A string literal “x” is a string, it is containing character ‘x’ and a null terminator ‘’. "double" (default) requires the use of double quotes wherever possible "single" requires the use of single quotes wherever possible "backtick" requires the use of backticks wherever possible; Object option: "avoidEscape": true allows strings to use single-quotes or double-quotes so long as the string contains a quote that would have to be Feb 27, 2024 · # Why I prefer using single quotes. Initially, I would like to clarify that in the literal form of a string whatever is between single or double quotes gets evaluated as a string object, which is an instance of the Ruby String class. It is the shell that decides to do or not to do variable expansion before passing the arguments to grep. Strings that use single quotes and double quotes are considered effectively the same. For multiline strings, I use backticks. Single ‘smart quotation marks’ must be escaped in a single-quoted string. FOR /F %%d IN ('DIR /S /B C:\Windows') DO @ECHO File: %%d In British English, you would reverse the order of the quotation marks; that is, the outside quotation marks will be single, and the inner quotation marks will be double. In my specific case this rule conflicts with electron-vue lint Nov 17, 2020 · Single quotes and double quotes are both functional in Linux while working with shell scripts or executing commands directly in the terminal but there is a difference between the way the bash shell interprets them. org. times do; c = "a string #{'b Oct 24, 2017 · golang has three types of quotations. For compatibility with MySQL, SQLite also allows to use single quotes for identifiers and double quotes for strings, but only when the context makes the meaning unambiguous. ("I knew I wanted to come to WMU when President Dunn said Nov 15, 2019 · Use a Thin Space Between a Single Quotation Mark and a Double Quotation Mark. They also can be used to indicate irony and introduce an unfamiliar term or nickname. final myString = 'Bob\'s dog'; // Bob's dog Same thing to escape double quotes in a double quote string. May 21, 2019 · Learn how to use quotation marks (single or double) in academic writing, with rules and examples. 'Why did she call the man a "traitor"?' Do I Use Single or Double Jul 20, 2011 · While it is correct that single (or triple single) quotes prevent interpolation in groovy, if you pass a shell command a single quoted string, the shell will perform parameter substitution, if the variable is an environment variable. g “I’m a good boy” May 7, 2022 · The SQL standard says that strings must use 'single quotes', and identifiers (such as table and column names), when quoted, must use "double quotes". Your choices are to escape the interior quotes with a backslash or use a different type of quote (single quote). g. And this will lead VS Code's quick-fix(show fix option for me) to change singlequote to doublequote. Specifically, double quotes are used for escaping a column/table name if it's resemble to any reserve/key word. Both quoting styles have their purposes, and understanding the difference helps you decide which to use in various situations. Oct 14, 2024 · One of the most common points of confusion with quotes is when to use single versus double quotation marks. times do; c = 'a string'; end} x. Aug 14, 2014 · I was writing an answer when the question was closed. Single quotation marks should be used for quotes in headlines as a space-saving measure. Anything in double quotes is parsed by PHP. =) So, what's the difference: Single vs Double quote: Most important difference. Dec 3, 2009 · No one happened to measure concatenation vs interpolation though: $ ruby -v ruby 1. Mar 31, 2023 · String is enclosed either with single quotes or double quotes. If your direct quotation includes, in itself, a direct quotation, the inner quotation should use the single quotes. So the solution should be change double to single. Which is not the case with the single quotes. Should You Use Single or Double Quotes in Python? The ultimate answer is - it depends, mostly on your style preferences. About 95% reduction, from 115MB to 5MB ( 97 % in my case). Find out when to use them for dialogue, titles, scare quotes, and more in American and British English. For example: Homer Simpson said: "Maybe, just once, someone will call me 'Sir' without saying 'you're making a scene' next. Double quotes work almost similar to single quotes. Conventionally, most English speaking countries use double quotes to mark direct speech and single quotes to mark speech within speech. me@host:~: $ echo "front" | sed "s/front/back/" back me@host:~: $ echo "front" | sed 's/front/back/' back They performed identically, but I remembered to read there exist differences between them months ago. my_cmd is multiplatform and on unix both single quote and double quote are special characters. Almost because they also tend to ignore all the special characters except: Dollar signs $ Back quotes ` Backslashes \ Since dollar sign is not ignored, you can expect variable name to be substituted with its value. js) files. Double quotes generally we used for text. – jmorganmartin Commented Oct 28, 2021 at 23:19 Aug 10, 2010 · "Double quoted. Obviously, however, both would be in order in the case of embedded quotes---in which case single quotes inside preferred. Double and back quotes can be used to define a string. In C++ the size of the chara Dec 30, 2016 · Well single quotes are used for string literals and double quotes are used for escaping DB objects like table name / column name etc. Zakas - Professional JavaScript for Web Developers Nov 5, 2024 · Single quotes vs. Both the ways (single or double quotes) are correct depending upon the requirement. Jun 9, 2017 · it is best to use single quotes to wrap awk statements on command line, unlike OP's code that's using double quotes (Ed pointed this out clearly) Further clarification: "" is the null string in awk, not '' to use single quotes in an awk string literal, enclose them in double quotes, as in "Ed's answers are great!" Nov 29, 2013 · We can use double quote in place of single quote and we will get same output like above example. . As a general rule, British usage has in the past usually preferred single quotes for ordinary use, but double quotes are now increasingly common; American usage has always Jul 4, 2012 · Double quotes are supported by MySQL for string values as well, but single quotes are more widely accepted by other RDBMS, so it is a good habit to use single quotes instead of double. Aug 6, 2014 · The difference between single quotes and double quotes is a shell issue, not a grep issue. They are handled as-is. May 26, 2017 · More general usage. May 10, 2023 · Single vs. out. – Apr 6, 2024 · Prettier: JSX Single Quote; Prettier: Single Quote; When the Prettier: JSX Single Quote setting is enabled, single quotes are used instead of double quotes in JSX (React. Apr 4, 2022 · Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. For consistency, always use """triple double quotes""" around docstrings. Single quotes, on the other hand, are used to indicate that a token is a string. – Jul 6, 2014 · In JSON only double quotes are valid. Jun 2, 2022 · When to use single quotation marks. So irrespective of JS toolkit, you should expect same behaviour. And not unusual either: JavaScript, Python, C# and Bourne shell also have more than one kind of string literal. Aug 8, 2013 · ", Single quotes allow simple literals. Double Quotes vs Single Quotes comparison. the US. If you use single quote marks, you should use double speech marks for a quote within a quote. The only place where the single quote has any special meaning is in a FOR /F loop, where you are specifying a command to run and iterate over the output. It works with double quotes because they are eaten at the batch script level but when they use ' (single quotes) it is left and passed to my program. When in doubt, double up! Double Quotation Marks 1. Jan 13, 2009 · Double quotes being for String, you have to use a "double quote escape sequence" (\") inside strings where it would otherwise terminate the string. The use of quotation marks, also called inverted commas, is very slightly complicated by the fact that there are two types: single quotes (` ') and double quotes (" "). times do; c = "a string"; end} x. Interpolation, escaping, \n, and code points work the same within both quotes. The use of single quotes [ ' ' ] or double quotes [ “” ] differs with context and geographic location. g ‘single-quote’ is the same as “single-quote” You will need a double quote when you need apostrophe in the middle of the string e. final myString = "hello"; Delimiters need to be escaped. I get the most value out of single quoted identifiers standing out because of the quotes. Single quotation marks use only one comma—they look just like the apostrophe—while double quotation marks use two commas right next to each See full list on grammarist. You can parse YAML content with PyYAML to see how quotes affect string values: Jun 23, 2017 · "quotemark": [ true, "double" < -----mention here ] then there will be warning at your typescript file while using singlequote. Examples: "When I say 'immediately,' I mean sometime before August," said the manager. table names or column names. 8. Because the last step in shell processing of arguments is quote removal, grep never even sees the quotes. Aug 29, 2016 · Note, however, that a string beginning with a double quote must end with a double quote, and a string beginning with a single quote must end with a single quote. report("assign interp") { n. report("assign double") { n. Usually used to denote rune types and display Unicode. May 12, 2011 · This question has a direct answer in the about_Quoting_Rules article of the PowerShell docs:. A here-string is a single Jan 3, 2019 · Single and double quotes both work in Dart final myString = 'hello'; is the same as . Eg. Single quotes for anything that behaves as an identifier, while double quotes are generally for text. Python doesn’t make any difference between single and double quotes, so the decision is up to you. Neither style—single or double—is an absolute rule, though double quotation marks are preferred in the United States, and both single and double quotation marks are used in the United Kingdom. As you face problem, while using interpolation in single quoted string because Ruby do not interpolate into single-quoted string. It is already known that backslashes prevent a single special character from being interpreted. May 1, 2017 · Possible Duplicate: When to Use Double or Single Quotes in JavaScript Are there differences between &#39; and " I am wondering if there is a difference between using single quotes vs double Mar 2, 2013 · Single-quoted strings are a series of characters surrounded by single quotes. While they are both used to indicate direct speech or quotations, they have slightly different uses and conventions. vue file VSCode replace all single quoted string with double quoted string. e. For triple-quoted strings, always use double quote characters to be consistent with the docstring convention in PEP 257. If a string with escape characters is formatted in back quotes, escape characters are ignored. – Nov 4, 2018 · I was doing some weekend learning on scratch images and how they help reduce your docker container size by massive amounts. 7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i686-darwin9. Double quote. report("assign single") { n. Double quotes are used for string representation. A value can be a string in double quotes, or a number, or true or false or null, or an object or an array. println("And then Jim said, \"Who's at the door?\""); It isn't necessary to escape the double quote inside single quotes. However, I couldn't easily find an explicit explanation of what single quotes do in windows batch Jun 20, 2024 · Single quotes (' ') are mainly for enclosing text values, double quotes (" ") are similar but less commonly used, and backticks ( ) are for enclosing identifiers like table or column names. Macro expressions aren't evaluated when they are inside single quotes, that's why you need to use double quotes here. Jan 5, 2024 · Use the double quotation marks to indicate a direct quotation. Google search not helpful with keywords "single quotes and double quotes in sed". Jun 20, 2013 · Just use single quotes when you have doubles quotes in the string, and single quotes when you have double quotes in the string. 1) or “Escape Characters” (YAML 1. It can be hard to see a single quotation mark that’s followed by a double quotation mark when they fall right next to each other like they did in the last example, so typesetters sometimes insert something called a thin space between the two quotation marks. Aug 30, 2024 · There is no difference between single and double quotes behavior in Dart. Single quotes (‘’) are more commonly used in British punctuation, while double quotes (“ ”) are more commonly used in American punctuation. If you want to use double quotes, keep in mind that the case problem does not arise if you use double quotes with fully lower-cased identifiers. Тhere are three ways to write strings: you can write them inside single quotes, double quotes, or backticks. bm do |x| x. May 24, 2012 · Users use indifferently single quotes or double quotes. Find out the differences between US and UK conventions, and how to punctuate quotations correctly. Anything inside single quotes is not. Jul 14, 2015 · You can't have double quotes inside doubles quotes you end up with two strings. Block quotes When quoting multiple lines from a person, book, article, or report, the convention is to use block quotes instead of quotation marks. Does this mean I need to use double quotes only when I want to escape some characters? The difference between single quotes and double quotes is that in double quotes you can use escapes: foo : "a \t TAB and a \n NEWLINE" The list of allowed escapes can be found in the YAML Specification under “Escape Sequences” (YAML 1. Jun 28, 2018 · The short answer is that CMD doesn't treat single quotes as anything but a regular character. Double quotes delimit identifiers for e. In American English, single quotation marks are used only for quotes that appear inside other quotes. Jul 30, 2019 · Single quotes vs double quotes in C or C n - In C and C++ the single quote is used to identify the single character, and double quotes are used for string literals. Learn the difference between single and double quotation marks according to Chicago Manual of Style rules. Sep 1, 2022 · Do you ever get caught up in how to use single quotation marks? Learn when and how to use them properly with these simple steps with examples. Knowing how and when to use these correctly ensures your MySQL queries are structured accurately and work as intended. Both are used to offset direct speech, certain titles, or emphatic language from the rest of the text. Single quotes, on the other hand, are often employed within double quotes to indicate a quote within a quote, highlighting a special consideration or usage primarily in British English. Anyway, it is possible to use all of the quotes within the same script. Single quotes. The general rule in British and Australian English is also simple, but opposite: Use the single quotation marks to indicate a direct quotation. JSON notation is written with double quotes. Single-quoted is ordinary Java-like string. 2). Single quotation marks are used for a quote within a quote. A double quote is a punctuation mark that looks like two horizontal lines above and below the text, used to indicate a direct quotation or to indicate the title of a book, song, or other creative work. For instance: System. It's not a pair/group like double quotes. Sep 27, 2010 · Single or double quotation marks denote either speech or a quotation. com Apr 28, 2024 · While double quotation marks are the go-to for direct quotes and titles of various compositions, single marks find their use in more specialized contexts such as quotes within quotes. That's a neat little rule making life Sep 22, 2016 · When are single quotation marks used? Mark My Words. A million loops. You can find the standard on JSON. Sometimes we have to use quotes (single or double quotes) together in the same string, in such cases, we use single and double quotes alternatively so that they can be distinguished. The quotation mark’s skinnier sister, the single quote, is more commonly known as the apostrophe (‘these guys’). ‘$’, ‘`’, ‘"’, ‘\’, or newline can be escaped by preceding them with a backslash. "quotemark": [ true, "single" < -----change here ] Jan 9, 2016 · Double, Single and Back quotes. The main reason I prefer single quotes is - I don't have to use the shift key every time I declare a string. Flexibility is the key. Whether to use single quotes or double quotes is only a stylistic issue in practice. Two issues with answers given so far, if , for instance, one streams such non-standard JSON. Single quotes will not allow to put more than one characters. I personally prefer single quotes because '' vs "" is slightly less confusing to eyeball when dealing with empty string constant. Note: Use curly braces {} to include complex variables or in case when next character after a variable is a valid character for a variable name. 7 In programming and scripting languages, double quotes and single quotes have distinct functions. The special parameters ‘*’ and ‘@’ retain their special meaning in double quotes as inputs when proceeded by $. MySQL also expects DATE and DATETIME literal values to be single-quoted as strings like '2001-01-01 00:00:00' . ) The backticks have nothing to do with it. When importing with single quotes in VS Code, Typescript cannot find the declaration file, but it seems fine with double quotes. Handy during ad-hoc testing when you want to be able to manually extract the XML out of a JSON payload. scalar, regardless of how many characters it has). Use double quotes sparingly for better compatibility, especially when creating objects. When the Prettier: Single Quote setting is enabled, single quotes are used instead of double quotes everywhere (except for JSX files). Since you've quoted the entire command, the shell is going to look for a command whose entire name ls -ltr, not one whose name is ls and is being passed the options -ltr. But it's ok to override that rule if you need embed a single quote. When you learn a new language like Java or C, double quotes are always used. To review, American English almost never uses the single quotation mark, while British English rarely uses the double quotation mark. In fact, some people use single marks when they should be using double marks. Double quotation marks are used for direct quotations and titles of compositions such as books, plays, movies, songs, lectures and TV shows. Could anyone clarify the difference between single and double quotation marks in HTML5 & CSS. While code that is inconsistent (uses single in some places, double in others) is probably hand-written, I'm sure plenty of people (including myself) use double-quotes everywhere, but our Feb 4, 2020 · Double quotes mean a string in many other languages. If you need a line break or tab, you put them in double quotes like this: "\n" or "\t". Strings in double quotes interpolate variables and a wide range of escape sequences. Nesting a Quotation within Quotation When nesting a quotation within a quotation, American writers and much of the British press use singles for the nested quotation. So “x” is two-character array in this case. Jul 14, 2011 · The only thing that cannot be put within single quotes is a single quote. wnlprl vml hlzscz jsctr xwgd vflun bzbtvje khkxkdsl alqxmg bamlft