Certificate oid extension pki Ensure that the client certificate is valid and trusted: A Certificate Signing Request (CSR) (PKCS#10) is a request file sent to a Certificate Authority (CA) to receive a certificate and contains information about the subject making the request, the subject’s public key, a set of attributes, a set of X. 1 encoded structure is the value of the octet string extnValue Extensions ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1. 3, which also insist on the presence of only that OID in the EKU extension, exclusive of any other OID). 501 type Name and specifies the subject name that appears in the PKI certificate for the entity that signed the biometric data record or CHUID. Apparently this is a recommended (or maybe required) step for those still having issues updating domain controllers. Certificate Policies extension. We can manually search this OID at such libraries and get the following output: id_kp_serverAuth. sysadmins. 3 = COUNTRY. 509 digital certificates. 1 structure. Author: Vadims Podans Blog: https://www. Hence I receive the Event ID 39 for the KDCC. The AKI in certificate 2) is derived from the issuer certificate public key i. SYNOPSIS Outputs an object consisting of the template name (Template), an OID (OID), the minor version (MinorVersion), and the major version (MajorVersion). I could not find a public description The blob consists of properties and raw certificate. Certificate Extensions The extensions defined for X. lv. When request is submitted to CA, it does several things with extensions: Creates an empty final list of extensions; May 10, 2022 · 1 – Checks if there is a strong certificate mapping. See full list on learn. The Edit Application Policies Extension window opens. The OID is shown under the Extension tab in the Certificate Template Information or via Certutil: Certutil -adtemplate -v “”. two hierarchical PKIs can be connected using a bridge CA (Omitting the usage of Mesh PKI) # EXTENSION OID SEMANTICS CRITI CAL GEN “DIRECT”/ INDIR. This OID (or multiple OIDs) will be used further below in the strong name-based mapping configuration. CPS. Certificate Policy. 509 Version 3 certificate extension and is used to identify the type of the certificate holder/subject. 2 (id-pkix-ocsp-nonce) and we see some data in the NonceValue property. 2 is missing, which comes with the other client authentication certificates. Key Usage. But as I see all server certificates issued by well known issuers like Verisign contain also Client Authentication OID (1. ∟ Introduction of PKI Certificate. Some prototypes are already published in this blog. 1: A string. So you would want to create the template, assign the OID and then begin enrolling/autoenrollment. It contains the domain(s) for which this certificate is issued. The SKI in certificate 2) is derived from the subject certificate public key i. If this extension is not present, authentication is allowed if the user account predates the certificate. 1) application policy in Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) environments. The extension consists of a simple integer value with placeholder name user_id. Sep 2, 2024 · When we duplicate certificate new two OID objects appears in Active Directory on configuration partition under "CN=OID,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=com" one of this object corresponds with newly created template, has the same OID under "msPKI-Cert-Template-OID" parameter, as we know it is necessary to map oid May 19, 2013 · Each extension includes an OID and an ASN. The CA/Browser Forum's EV OID is 2. inf Policys usage Zertifikat Kategorien ADMX Vorlagen & Tools (2) Jan 11, 2023 · In this article. Public Key Infrastructure. 509 extensions from . Looking at the reason, we quickly find the “certificate parsing exception“. End entity certificates never contains this extension. If the CT_FLAG_ENROLLEE_SUPPLIES_SUBJECT flag is not set, then the SubjectAltName extension from the old certificate MUST contain either an rfc822Name or otherName with OID szOID_NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME (1. 8 Apr 2016 Review and minor updates BF 1. 31'. 21. 0. This is a simple bitmask. 509 v3 certificate format also OID; NTAuthCertificates; Below is a decryption of the containers and objects: AIA: Short for Authority Information Access. PKI Library documentation System. When I try create the certificate I get the following OID error: Microsoft will enforce strong mappings between an authentication certificate and the account object with a new Object Identifier Extension (OID) 1. 1) and certificate policies (oid: 2. CDP: Short for CRL Distribution Points. 3). May 27, 2022 · With KB5014754, released on May 10, 2022, a CA injects the Security Identifier (SID) of accounts as a new extension in issued certificates. KeyUsage ::= BIT STRING { digitalSignature (0), nonRepudiation (1), keyEncipherment (2), dataEncipherment (3), keyAgreement (4), keyCertSign (5), cRLSign (6 EV certificates are standard X. Although there are some cons listed, these are basically items that will be resolved as the deployed browsers and Web servers support OCSP Stapling and Must-Staple. Searching the certificate's extensions for an OID with value 2. This is the Server Authentication (OID 1. You can observe what major CAs are doing simply by viewing the cert chain on various websites. Since the data I want to embedd in my certificate does not match an existing/registered OID, i would like to use a UUID based OID. adhoc. All certificates, except the self-signed Root CA certificate, issued under this policy shall contain a registered Certificate Policy OID that may type:. 2 – Checks if there’s a strong certificate mapping. Oct 19, 2022 · Certificate issuers may include additional information in private certificate extensions for local use but should not expect clients in the Federal PKI to process this additional information. I guess those are huge environments (or there May 10, 2022 · All certificates issued by "online" certificate templates, i. From the list of extensions, select Application Policies and click Edit. g. 44. Now I got a time to work on client side extensions. Syntax Get-CertificateTemplate [-Name <String Other changes include limiting TLS certificate validity to no greater than 825 days and requiring certificates have the ExtendedKeyUsage (EKU) extension with the id-kp-serverAuth OID. 1 ReasonCode {2 5 29 21} Reason for the certificate revocation -- +- +- 5. those where the identity part in the certificate is formed by Active Directory, include this certificate extension from the time the update is installed on the certification authority. A certificate will use this OID as the tag of a string tthat represents the state or province of the entity to which a certificate was issued. At first we will look to OID string encoding. X. Example 2 PS C:\> Get-CertificateTemplate -DisplayName Computer. I Sep 12, 2022 · Where do you get an OID? Certificate Policies Extension; What is an Object Identifier (OID)? and your organization is unwilling to obtain a free OID from the IANA. After decoding base64String, the value must be valid Abstract The authority key identifier extension provides a means of identifying the public key corresponding to the private key used to sign a certificate. If you have module installed, just import it to a current PS Oct 2, 2024 · This extension indicates whether a certificate is a Certificate Authority (CA) or not. inf for Microsoft’s Jan 23, 2024 · Basic Constraints is an X. NEt library in my PowerShell PKI module. Jan 8, 2025 · Configure extension constraints. The Enterprise CA validates the EKCert chain. To select the certificate extensions, do the following: Data type for OID is 0x6 (6). RFC5280 supports two policy qualifiers: An object identifier (OID) is a string of numbers identifying a unique object, such as a certificate extension or a company's certificate practice statement. test. In the Template display name field, enter a name for the template. [1] X. Any extension requires an OID. This marks the field as optional, so a value never Mar 16, 2023 · CDS CPS OID. Aug 9, 2016 · As I understand it, server certificates should contain the Server Authentication OID (1. Thus there are many important, well known and familiar tools that could not load or -OfflineExtension <Oid[]> Specifies the list of certificate extensions that are added to the issued certificate against offline request. Security. (The location of CRLs is not specified in this extension; that information is provided by the cRLDistributionPoints extension. Ubiquity CPS OID. 3 days ago · For example, custom extensions of type BasicCertificateExtension configured with the property dynamic=true accept custom extension data in the form 'OID. 9. 509 certificate extensions to be added to the certificates the server issues. > Changing the purposes certainly doesn't change the information that is stored in the certificate Blob in the registry. Test CPS OID. 311. 7 Apr 2016 Update OID on page 8, Update AIA/CDP/CP publication points BB 0. e. 1). Examples Example 1 PS C:\> Get-CertificateTemplate. The OID FriendlyName and Value are 'CRL Distribution Points' and '2. Single Certificate Policies extension may contain multiple entries, an entry per particular policy Update on my above post in case other folks are working through this. PKI NO TES BASIC EXTENSIONS. 31 – The TPM has a manufacturer supplied certificate embedded. If you plan on using PKI Oct 30, 2024 · Enhanced key usage OID. 1 T38 [1] 2 HoldInstructionCode {2 5 29 23} A registered instruction identifier indicating the action to be taken . Make sure that the Publish certificate in the Active Directory check box is NOT selected. Fortunately there is a way to perform this translation in both directions: OID <—> Friendly Name. What Is OID (Object IDentifier)? An OID is a sequence of numbers that uniquely identifies an object, which is a reference to a specific The format and content of certificate extensions in the Internet PKI are defined in Section 4. pivSigner-DN: 2. Learn how organizations obtain and utilize OIDs to uniquely identify objects and standards, with insights into IANA and ANSI OID allocation. 509 v3 Certificates X. This extension is used by certificate chaining engine to build certificate chain (retrieve issuer certificate) and/or to check current certificate revocation status by using Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP). 31, you can then parse the raw data and get the distribution point(s). Until now I was able to get the custom extension with my own OID in the certificates, the only problem I'm facing is, that this only adds one field. 25. The extension consists of a simple string value with placeholder name user_work_location. PKI. Dec 25, 2021 · We have a CA issuing certificates with "Certificate Policy" extension including our organization public OID. 9 to generate a self signed code signing cert for development purposes. The certificate policies extension Object IDentifier (OID) contained in the certificates asserts the identity assurance of the person presenting the credential and certificate, how the private keys are stored and managed, and how the certificate should be validated for usage. . Jun 20, 2018 · New OIDs should be registered via Certificate Templates (certtmpl. The following sections will focus on technical aspects of certificate policies extension. CertificateTemplates. This section introduces OIDs (Object IDentifiers) used in PKI certificates to represent attribute names and predefined reference values. A very good reference is Peter Gutmann's dumpasn1 tool. 509 v3 certificates provide methods for associating additional attributes with users or public keys and for managing relationships between CAs. 840. inf is a configuration file that defines the extensions, constraints, and other configuration settings that are applied to a root CA certificate and all certificates issued by the root CA. 509 v3 certificate extension that binds additional information to the subject DN of this certificate. 2 Standard Certificate Extensions The extensions defined for X. In addition, this extension exist only in CA certificate (where CA Type property of Basic Constraints extension is set to CA = True). If we send such request, the ProducedAt property in the response will be updated to current time: Defines Authority Information Access extension (AIA). MAX) OF Extension Extension ::= SEQUENCE { extnID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, Nov 17, 2022 · Information and services may include online validation services and CA policy data. cer) file then it means the hierarchical PKI is used and if the AIA URL is pointing to a p7c file then it is assumed that bridge PKI is used i. Usage. Jun 18, 2014 · OCSP Must-Staple removes most of the issues with traditional revocation checking, and allows the browsers to implement a hard-fail policy. It follows a hierarchical and standardized manner to identify objects, processes, and protocols. A critical extension with OID 1. The Key Usage extension is an optional certificate extension that can be used in the RFC 5280 is defined and is used to limit the allowed uses for a key. Retrieves only certificate template with display The general guess is, if the AIA URL is pointing to a certificate (. Present in the Certificate Policies X509 extension. The Certificate System comes with a set of extension-specific profile plug-in modules which enable X. I see in an MS-produced certificate an "Extended Key Usage" extension which contains two OID, and an "application policies" extension which contains the two same OID, albeit each within an extra SEQUENCE layer, which probably means that the Microsoft-specific extension allows for some optional qualifiers. 2. Terence Spies, in Computer and Information Security Handbook, 2009. 509 certificates) it was impossible to identify who is the subject: CA certificate or end entity subscriber. . ubiquity. CertificateTemplate. OID encoding The certificate at 2) is an intermediate certificate, The certificate at 2) is signed using the private key of the issuer certificate 1). 509 extensions, and a signature. As per RFC5280 §4. Aug 30, 2022 · I would like to create an X509Certificate2 with a custom extension. Certificate extensions provide a way of adding information such as alternative subject names and usage restrictions to certificates. For other roles, the presence of the EKU extension is not mandatory, but shall be honoured if present. 509 ASN. 2). from certificate 2). 48. Oid. 8 (see RFC 3161, section 2. The Certificate Policy extension, if present in an issuer certificate, expresses the policies that are followed by the CA, both in terms of how identities are validated before certificate issuance as well as how certificates are revoked and the operational practices that are used The certificate template must have an extension that has the value DomainController, encoded as a BMPstring. A non-critical extension with OID 1. When setting the Certificate Template Name for RDP template in the GPO, rather than using the template name, the templates OID may also be used. The base certificate contains such information as The format and content of certificate extensions in the Internet PKI is defined in section 4. CA Version extension is private Microsoft certificate extension and used in Windows PKI only. In the past (prior to version 3 X. 5. 4. The X. The end entity certificates need to have a custom extension with a custom OID that will hold some additional information. 501 type Name and specifies the DN associated with the PIV cardholder in the PIV certificates. 101. I import them into the Windows certificate store using software supplied by the smart card provider, and then use code resembling the following to iterate over the installed certificates: Restriction: When policies are specified within an individual template, the policy data is saved with the request at the time the request is submitted or modified. Otherwise, the KDC will check if the certificate has the new SID extension and validate it. Each (physical) smart card seems to have two certificates stored on it. When an explicit policy is required, it is necessary for all certificates in the path to contain an acceptable policy identifier in the certificate policies extension. 4 May 19, 2017 · At first, you will need an ASN. But what if we want to inject it manually? As per RFC5280 §4. When used in Subscriber certificates, critical private extensions must be interoperable in their intended community of use. Alternatively, you can use PowerShell PKI module which contains commands to add or remove OID from Active Directory: Get-ObjectIdentifierEx , Register Jan 30, 2012 · The CRL is stored as an OID in the extensions property of the X509Certificate object. Aug 31, 2016 · Applications that accept certificates can then be configured to only accept a certificate if the extensions match what it is expecting. 15 = ORGANIZATION TYPE 1. certificate policies, one or more of which may be asserted in a NSS PKI issued certificate by populating the appropriate Certificate Policy OID in the certificatePolicies extension of the certificate. In many of the EV SSL certificates, the following OIDs are specified in the "Subject" field of issued certificates: 2. The DER encoded bytes payload (as defined by RFC 5280) that is hashed and then signed by the private key of the certificate’s issuer. 7. for example - inspect all certs found in the local machine store, determine if any contain that extension: In cryptography, X. Aug 9, 2010 · In the happy fairy land that is PKI there comes a time when an OID is needed. 3. from certificate 1). It has an extensive configuration file which is a database for many PKI related OIDs. This data may be used to validate a signature, but use extreme caution as certificate validation is a complex problem that involves much more than just signature checks. Alternatively, you can use PowerShell PKI module which contains commands to add or remove OID from Active Directory: Get-ObjectIdentifierEx , Register Jan 1, 2014 · I have configured a custom certificate template so that I can generate extended validation SSL certificates from the CA. CRL PROC RFC5280 CO. I tried to use certificate with only server authentication OID - seems it works fine. WriteLine(asndata. Jul 4, 2019 · I'm trying to build a PKI using the OpenSSL command line tools. Click the Extensions tab. New OIDs should be registered via Certificate Templates (certtmpl. 4. The CAPolicy. SSL certificates are end-entity certificates, not CA certificates. Retrieves registered certificate templates from Active Directory. After you click the toggle, you will see the Known certificate extensions field that you can use to select the certificate extensions. Clients use the OID in the issued certificate “Certificate Template Information” extension to know which template to use for renewal/autoenrollment. NET or PowerShell, therefore the script relies on a PKI. this CA can ONLY issue workstation certs and webserver certs). EDIT: Found link I read last night about establishing a private OID. This is where CA Certificates are stored. Oct 29, 2019 · I am issuing (with own Certificate Authority) a certificate in c# code (based on: . Aug 28, 2012 · X509Extension extension; // The OID 2. Acrobat doesn’t look at this OID. I am doing a two tier PKI, the first run with the root allowing all issuance policies, and the issuing CAs with the appropriate OID mapped to issuance policies, I couldn't get certutil -verify to successfully verify either user or computer certs when issued with the issuance pol The attribute value is an X. This task is harder. I wrote a managed class that extends existing X. 8. com Jul 19, 2024 · Discover the significance of Object Identifiers (OIDs) in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) environments. microsoft. SOLUTION: It appears as if an OID is only needed if you have a PKI environment intricate enough to require certain CAs be confined to issuing certain certificates (e. Format(true)); For one of the Microsoft intermediate CA certificates, it the Format() method returns the following: Sep 13, 2024 · Certificate Validation: Both the NPS and client certificates were checked again, and their OID, SAN, validity, and revocation status were confirmed to be correct. OID Repository is a good place to lookup entities in the OID tree. Such a time is when you want to specify a Certificate Issuing Policy within a CAPolicy. Apr 10, 2017 · Here's a native PowerShell solution: Thanks go to the PowerShell Gallery <# . Cryptography. 5 Mar 2016 Update OIDs to include version extension SJL 0. Single Certificate Policies extension may contain multiple entries, an entry per particular policy. Each EV certificate's CP object identifier (OID) field identifies an EV certificate. Policy identifier may be combined with one or more policy qualifiers. The intended scope of usage for a private key is specified through certificate extensions, including the Key Usage and Extended Key Usage (EKU) extensions in the associated certificate. 140. 509 v3 certificate contains an extension field that permits any number of additional fields to be added to the certificate. 35 extension AsnEncodedData asndata = new AsnEncodedData(extension. Alternatively OpenSSL's database of OID isn't human readable in its original or processed. You'll see most issuing CAs have a Certificate Policy extension with the Any Policy OID. Value property value that's a string representation of the OID. If the AIA extension is configured to use LDAP (Active Directory), certificates are fetched from this location if required for chain building. Retrieves all registered certificate templates from Active Directory. ∟ OIDs Used in PKI Certificate. I found the following code sample here. Sep 10, 2024 · If your PKI meets or exceeds these security requirements, you MUST add an OID in the Issuance Policy of the certificate to denote this compliance. RawData); Console. The next byte represents encoded OID string length end the rest bytes is encoded data string (actual data). If you are using Windows Server Enterprise Certificate Authority, this extension is already included in the domain controller certificate template; The domain controller certificate must be installed in the local computer's certificate store May 4, 1997 · DigiCert is the world’s premier provider of high-assurance digital certificates—providing trusted SSL, private and managed PKI deployments, and device certificates for the emerging IoT market. OID = 1. Questions certutil -setreg policy\DisableExtensionList +{Extension OID}; adds new extension to the list certutil -setreg policy\DisableExtensionList -{Extension OID}; removes new extension to the list Processing Sequence. 2. This is because the first OID string is limited to the following values: 0, 1 and 2. Sep 8, 2021 · Click the General tab. The CRL checking is enabled, and the certificate chain integrity was verified. When an extension appears in a certificate, the OID appears as the field extnID and the corresponding ASN. 20. 509 v3 certificates provide methods for associating additional attributes with users or public keys and for managing the certification hierarchy. Note the word OPTIONAL after the data type. 60. Jul 28, 2022 · I have been working through a procedure to ensure all our clients (computers and users) have the new Object Identifier (OID) 1. The most notable information includes: DNS Name; RFC822 Name; DNS Name. Microsoft is phasing in changes to how certificates are mapped to Windows accounts. An X. 509 certificates are used in many Internet protocols, including TLS/SSL, which is the basis for HTTPS, [2] the secure protocol for browsing the web. it'll be under the "Extensions" property of the certificate object, which is usually a collection of X509Extension objects with an . Oct 18, 2020 · Application Certificate certsrv Digital Signature Erweiterungen Extended Extension Key Key encipherment KeyUsage Object Identifiers OID OIDs Policies Policy. Therefore, if PKI Services is stopped and restarted to make changes in the policy data before the certificate is issued, the changes are not reflected in the issued ce May 10, 2018 · [13] X. value=value' where OID is the OID of the configured extension and value is the value to put in the extension in the configured encoding. Oid, extension. Specifies an array of certificate extensions, as strings, which this cmdlet includes in the new certificate. If yes, authentication is allowed. ) This extension may be included in end entity or CA certificates, and it MUST be non-critical. 0 Aug 2020 Review and minor updates BF Signatures Appointment Organisation Signature Operations Manager Get-CertificateTemplate Synopsis. 2 to mitigate the vulnerability. Basically I'd just like to add information to a certificate that isn't covered by other basic extensions. For example: with the May 2022 Updates the verification of Certificate Authentication has been modified. 16. I think the process works as follows Update PKI infrastrucutre “Reenroll all Certificate Holders” for the client authentication Open MMC and add the Certificate Templates snap-in (File > Add/Remove Snap-ins > Certificate Templates - you may need to run as administrator to have this snap-in available) Right Click the certificate template you want the OID of; Open Properties; Open Extensions tab ; Select Certificate Template Information Feb 15, 2024 · To address the threats from CVE-2022-34691, CVE-2022-26931 and CVE-2022-26923, Microsoft will enforce strong mappings between an authentication certificate and the account object with a new Object Identifier Extension (OID) 1. Click Add I worked hard on server-side extensions: PowerShell PKI Module, which is (so far) the biggest project I have developed. Main purpose of this certificate is to simplify CA server The Subject Alternative Name (SAN) is an X. Object Identifiers (OIDs) are globally unique identifiers ensuring that the identifiers created by different organizations do not clash. > When you say "Since this is certificate property" do you actually mean a store property? yes, it is store-attached property, not a part of raw certificate data. I see for my Domain Controllers with newly created Kerberos-Authentication Template Certificates that the OID 1. The primary way to identify an EV certificate is by referencing the Certificate Policies (CP) extension field. The first complete tool (which is a part of client-side extensions) is self-signed certificate creation for testing purposes. 1. Notes. 32) extensions (similar results of: Authority Information Access extension) Endorsement Certificate: (Medium Assurance) Issuance Policy/Certificate Policy OID 1. The problem is: unfortunately Organization policy id (OID) is too long (some part of OID) in order to be parsed in some programming languages like Go. 509 v3 certificates contain the identity and attribute data of a subject using the base certificate with applicable extensions. 6. Description. 509 v3 certificate format also allows The certificate for a Time Stamp Authority MUST have an EKU with OID 1. 4, an entry in the Certificate Policies extension consist of a policy identifier (OID) at a minimum. If the certificate is a CA, then additional information, such as the depth of the hierarchy it can sign, is specified. To disallow all extensions from certificate requests from being included in the issued certificates, click the toggle. 5: The attribute value is an X. 3. Dec 12, 2016 · For example 2. msc) MMC snap-in by adding new Application or Issuance (Certificate) Policy in certificate template Extension tab. An acceptable policy identifier is the identifier of a policy required by the user of the certification path or the identifier of a policy that has been declared equivalent Oct 19, 2022 · Certificate issuers may include additional information in private certificate extensions for local use but should not expect clients in the Federal PKI to process this additional information. dll which contains a set of underlying APIs for PowerShell PKI Module and exposes a set of classes to work with certificate templates in PowerShell. 23. 1 parser and use X. 6 Apr 2016 Review and update minor typo errors RB 0. The first sentence is the result while the second sentence explains the reason. 8 is the doted OID representation of {joint-iso-itu-t(2) ds(5) attributeType(4) stateOrProvinceName(8)}. 509 Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Extensions Profile for the Shared Service Providers (SSP) Program. 0 CertificateRequest class)In CertificateRequest, unable to add Certificate ocsp Authority Information Access (oid: 1. 29. 1 modules to decode extension value to a collection of policies. No issues were found. 113549. Indicates that the given certificate has been issued for testing purposed only, and brings up the infamous dialog. 2 = STATE 1. Core. 1, but I don't know this OID friendly name. bytes. when the certificate that has been placed on For example, I have OID = 1. For Mar 10, 2023 · I'm trying to use New-SelfSignedCertificate in Powershell 7. 'offline' request is such request which includes subject information and CA server do not use Active Directory to build certificate's subject. The OID to specify that a certificate can be used for P2P authentication. PKI Peer Auth. An OID can be applied to each CPS (Certificate Practice statement). X509Certificates Aug 9, 2016 · The loading of the trusted certificate list raised a certificate parsing exception PKIX: Unsupported OID in the AlgorithmIdentifier object: 1. The first encoded string byte represents first two OID octets. Since our founding almost fifteen years ago, we’ve been driven by the idea of finding a better way. And if I need to get OCSP Signing OID. 1. NET Core 2. [11] You see that Extensions property contains one extension with OID = 1. CA uses this construct when issuing SSL server certificates. May 13, 2024 · Note: there is no built-in support for certificate templates neither in . Each string must employ one of the following formats: oid=base64String, where oid is the object identifier of the extension and base64String is a value that you provide. 509 is an International Telecommunication Union (ITU) standard defining the format of public key certificates. pivFASC-N Jan 23, 2024 · OID Example. The Let's Encrypt issuing CA is a good example of one being more strict, the extension only shows a custom OID based on the PEN OID and an OID for EV certs. 11. orykhc ckc ljhz jdct ginift xrlnftkg gzvy gnjxt hzgtlqlkp vvrvlo