Hud grant awards HUD expects to make approximately 25 awards from the funds available under this NOFO. Check out this HUD press release for more information about the two new HBCU Center of Excellence awards. To carry out a variety of HUD community and economic development programs, HUD awards more than $45 billion each year through national competitions directly to local and state governments, non-profit and faith-based organizations, veterans service organizations, public housing agencies, Indian tribes, and others. 23-149 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Wednesday July 26, 2023 HUD Awards $370 Million in Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant Awards Awardees will redevelop their public and/or HUD-assisted housing, surrounding neighborhoods WASHINGTON – U. 905 OMB Approval Number: 2501-0044, 2539-0015 costly institutional care. HUD is excited to grow the reach of the program through these awards,” said Solomon Greene, HUD AWARDS $85 MLLION IN PRO HOUSING FUNDING Overview: To expand housing supply, HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development awarded $85 million in Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing funding. Note: This material is based upon work supported by funding under an award with the U. Neither the United States Government, nor any of its employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the refer to their respective CPF Grant Guides on the HUD CPF website. The Choice Neighborhoods program focuses on the redevelopment of severely distressed public housing and/or HUD-assisted housing through a comprehensive approach to neighborhood transformation. These annual formula grants provide critical funding for a wide range of activities to address On April 17, HUD made a final announcement of communities to receive grants and vouchers to address homelessness among people in unsheltered settings including in rural communities. 5 Million to Make Housing Safer, More Efficient, and Climate Resilient for Low-Income Americans as Part of President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda Grants and Loans from the Inflation Reduction Act Support Clean Energy and Climate For additional details, please reference the Grant Award Letter, Grant Agreement and Grant Guide emailed by HUD to you the week of February 27, 2023, and March 6, 2023, from CPFgrants@hud. HUD No. 4. Local leaders, residents, and other stakeholders, such as public housing Note: This material is based upon work supported by funding under an award with the U. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced $69. The “reporting date” for this round of certifications is June 30, 2023. 7 Million to Public Housing Agencies for Emergency Safety and Security Improvements FY 2019 Emergency Safety and Security Grant Awards - Carbon Monoxide HUD Awards $160. 24-140 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Thursday June 6, 2024 HUD Makes $123 Million Available to Address Youth Homelessness Funding will provide new housing opportunities and The YHSI Grant awards, and this latest round of YHDP adds to the suite of HUD initiatives that support young people in gaining and maintaining Grant funds must be used to primarily benefit low-income Indian families. 3. You will also find a Forecast for upcoming HUD grants. It provides a HUD expects to make approximately 15 awards from the funds available under this NOFO. Award type: This is a cost-reimbursable, performance-based grant. List of Capital Fund Awards by PHA (MS-Excel) FY 2021 Capital Fund Processing Guidance for PHAs; (REAC) at PHAS@hud. The awards include $38. The total value of awards is $486 million to 62 CoCs. SF-LLL, the HUD-50077, and the HUD-50071). GRANT CYCLE – APPLICATION, AWARD, & AGREEMENT SUMMARY A projected assisted with CoC Program funds has three stages prior to im plementation, with different requirements at each stage. WINNERS WILL SUPPORT MANUFACTURED HOUSING COMMUNTIES AND RESIDENTS THROUGH: HUD AWARDS $225 MILLION IN MANUFACTURED HOUSING GRANTS WINNERS For more information on CPD’s PRICE competition and winners, please visit: HUD No. gov – Here you may search for discretionary HUD Grants, eligibility, and category. PITTSBURGH - Today, U. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has allocated $235 million in competitive grant funding that will be distributed to approximately 25 awards nationwide. Program Office: Policy Development and Research . The urban county amounts shown in the The 2022 Capital Fund Program Grant Awards . Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the allocation of Award have been announced for the FY23 HOPWA HINT NOFO. Once HUD has approved your Package your Award will be contracted in LOCCS and you will see the funds on Budget Line Item (BLI) 0100. For a fixed amount award, HUD provides a specific level of funding without regard to actual costs incurred under the Federal award. Local leaders, residents, and stakeholders, such as public housing HUD is making available approximately $2. GRRP funds projects that improve energy efficiency and resilience to natural disasters and extreme weather events. 24-262 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Wednesday October 2, 2024 Biden-Harris Administration Announces More Than $279 Million in New Housing Investments New awards will support climate resilience and energy efficiency renovations. Please note that we have updated portfolio assignments for several states for HUD’s Grant Officers and System Officers. The amounts also reflect approved reallocated funds for the CDBG and HOME programs. The substance and findings of the work are dedicated to the HUD No. Monday, July 8, 2024 HUD Awards Funding to Help Families Find Housing in Neighborhoods with HUD Vouchers. 23-074 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Tuesday April 11, 2023 HUD AWARDS $98 MILLION IN CHOICE NEIGHBORHOODS IMPLEMENTATION GRANTS AND OPENS NEW $10 MILLION FUNDING OPPORTUNITY FOR LOCAL PLANNING EFFORTS HUD’s Signature Place-Based Program Continues to Invest in “Housing, People, and WASHINGTON - The U. In addition, HUD is inviting 139 Public Housing Authorities who partnered with grantee communities to accept HUD No. The Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP) awards grant funds to eligible national and regional non-profit organizations and consortia to purchase home sites and develop or improve the infrastructure needed to set the stage for sweat equity and volunteer-based homeownership HUD also reviewed projects to ensure they were consistent with the approved Grants Inventory Worksheet and CoC Program interim rule. About Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency (ROSS) Grant Program Fair Housing Assistance Program ; 2020 FHIP CARES ACT AWARD WINNERS; 2020 FHIP Grants; 2019 FHIP Grants; 2018 FHIP Grants; 2017 FHIP Grants; 2016 FHIP Grants; Still have fair housing questions? Contact FHEO. 24-017 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Friday January 26, 2024 HUD Awards Over $39 Million To Protect Families from Home Health and Safety Hazards Funding to make low-income families’ homes safer and healthier WASHINGTON - The U. The urban county amounts shown in the The 2023 Capital Fund Program Grant Awards . Agency. Previously Funded Report. 6 BILLION IN ANNUAL GRANTS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, AND HOMELESS ASSISTANCE Funding will go to 1,200 communities through 2,400 grants to support the needs of families and individuals HUD No. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the award of $225 million in competitive grant funding for 17 awardees with proposed projects across 26 states through the Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) program. GRANT APPLICATION HUD publishes an annual CoC Program Notice of Funding Availability Below is a brief overview of requirements and the grant award process. Funding Opportunity Title: Eviction Protection Grant Program . Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Mortgage Regulatory HUD awards $225M to preserve and renovate manufactured homes across 26 states. and its territories. SEC. To provide guidance for the implementation of this funding, HUD also published the Universal Notice for Nature of Program: Under the SHOP program, HUD awards competitive grants to national and regional nonprofit organizations and consortia that have capacity and experience in providing or facilitating self-help homeownership housing opportunities. 24-207 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Wednesday August 14, 2024 Biden-Harris Administration Awards Nearly $140 Million to Expand Affordable Housing for People with Disabilities Funding supports efforts by 18 state housing agencies to create affordable homes and expand support services for adults living with disabilities. Browse Select a state to view details on GRRP grant and loan award recipients in your state. The awards will redevelop distressed Award Letter for this grant and found on HUD’s website. 25-002 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Friday January 3, 2025 HUD Awards $40 Million to Prevent Evictions and Homelessness The funding will deliver legal assistance to tenants facing eviction. 5 Million for Affordable Housing and Community Development Activities in Native American today awarded $95 million to 55 communities through the Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Program. "Faircloth Limit" Unit Counts - Section 9(g)(3) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 ("Faircloth Amendment") limits the construction of new public housing units. The substance and findings of the work are Through this Program, HUD is working to fulfill the requirements of sections 1051 and 1052 of the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 (Title X) (42 U. Required materials include project narrative, project budget, and required standard forms. Site visits are part of HUD’s Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant application review process to determine which of the finalists are most competitive. The competition closed on July 13. 5 billion for 6,597 local homeless housing and service programs across the U. 5 billion through a non-competitive process to distribute Fiscal Year 2020 appropriated funds to CoC grant recipients whose current grants expire in Calendar Year 2021. These Leading Edge grants and loans will increase FY 2020 (and FY 2019 Carryover) Emergency Safety and Security Grant Awards - HUD Awards $13. 24-316 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Monday December 9, 2024 HUD Awards More Than $72 Million to Empower Native American Communities Across the Nation Funds support community development, affordable housing, infrastructure, and community facilities. FY 2022 Capital Fund Processing Guidance for PHAs: The Processing Guidance has been updated to remove the statement requiring PHAs to expend funds budgeted to BLI 1406 on an eligible Operating Fund cost within 3 days of disbursing the funds into the PHA's bank account. Funding Opportunity Title: Youth Homeless Demonstration Program. Once we receive your signed Grant Agreement, we will work with you to confirm that all required information has been submitted. During the certification period, PHA Executive Directors certify to the accuracy of the PHA’s HUD awarded $2 million in awards to two non-profit organizations under the Healthy Homes and Weatherization Cooperation Demonstration Program to coordinate home intervention services that prevent lead exposure for low-income residents and families. 2 million and adds to the first set of grant awards announced in February, bringing the total value of grants to $486 million to communities across several states to address unsheltered and rural homelessness. CREATE NEW BUDGET: Once your Plan is approved and the Award is contracted in LOCCS you may create an Annual Statement/Budget for Submission in EPIC. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the allocation of nearly $12 billion in Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds for communities across 24 states and territories. HUD makes annual awards of State CDBG funds; and each State then make awards to non-entitlement units of general local government (UGLGs) such as towns, cities and counties that are not directly funded by HUD under the Entitlement CDBG program. If you are a recipient organization and did not receive these materials, reach out via email. 23-174 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Thursday August 17, 2023 HUD Awards Nearly $140 Million to Protect Families from Lead and Other Home Health and Safety Hazards Funding to make low-income families’ homes safer and healthier. Opening Date: June . 23-045 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Monday February 27, 2023 HUD AWARDS $5. Department of The 2021 Capital Fund Program Grant Awards . PRO Housing provides first-of-its-kind funding to identify and remove barriers to affordable HUD Expands Program to Help Homeowners Repair Homes. 23-201 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Friday September 15, 2023 HUD Announces $7 Million in Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants Grants will fund community-driven Since 2013, 65% of Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant awards were made to past Planning Grantees. When contacting either your Grant Officer or Regional Environmental Officer, please include your grant number and project in the subject line. Program Office: Office Public and Indian Housing (PIH) This Federal Register Notice provides waivers and flexibilities from HUD requirements for the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG), Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG), and Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant (NHHBG) for grantees located in areas that are covered by Presidentially Declared Disasters (PDDs). For more information about the Family Self-Sufficiency Program, please click here. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has awarded $100 million in grants to 18 winners benefitting communities across 15 states to cut red tape, build more homes, and lower the costs of renting and buying a home. Resources. 5. This funding will go to 11 communities across the nation. and WASHINGTON - Today, the U. HUD reviewed and selected for On October 24, 2022, Secretary Fudge announced the award of $83. 24-050 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Tuesday March 12, 2024 HUD Awards $2. C, HUD also reserves the right to re-open this NOFO with a new due date for the purpose of awarding FY 2025 and prior-year funds, as applicable. Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant and Loan Guarantee TA: HUD may also make awards for training and technical assistance for the Native Hawaiian programs from any amounts made available in FY 2025 plus any additional amounts recaptured from previous years (see also I. Through EHV, HUD provided 70,000 housing choice vouchers to local PHAs in order to assist individuals and families who are homeless, at-risk of homelessness, fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking, or were recently homeless or have a high risk of housing instability. HUD Jobs Search . Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced $5. An FSS Program Coordinator must: Implement the FSS program as required by 24 CFR 984 (and 24 CFR 887 for PBRA owners). The “FY 2023 Community Project Funding Grant Guide" provides further detailed information on the requirements and process. Fixed Amount Awards are a new type of grant agreement permitted by 2 CFR 200. Friday, July 5, 2024 HUD Awards $73. 5 billion in funding that will go to 1,200 communities through more than 2,400 grants to States, urban counties, insular areas, DC, Puerto Rico, and localities across the country. 75 Million to Train and Equip Skilled Housing Counseling Professionals Awards will increase access to professional and effective housing counseling services. Program Offices. The Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) provides direct loans and grants to HUD-assisted multifamily properties across the nation. The 12 properties receiving Leading Edge awards today are all properties participating in the HUD Section 8 project-based rental assistance program for low-income individuals and families. 2024): All Cohort Awards Access map for a larger view. You will create a new Budget that is based on the Revision to your Plan Notices: Issued/Expires: Subject/Purpose: Family Self-Sufficiency Grant Program General Funding Requirements and Procedures - PIH 2024-32 Issued: September 24, 2024 Expires: This notice remains in effect until amended, superseded, or rescinded. Find award and allocation amounts for grantees by year, program, and state. The awards will provide construction funding through Capital Advances with operating assistance to not-for-profit owners and new PRA awards to State HFAs, as well as other eligible entities. FAIN (FR) Number: FR Being selected as a finalist is not an indication of a grant award. Savannah OAHMP $1,999,111 GA Lucky Shoals Community Association Tucker OAHMP $1,003,667 GA On December 19, 2024, HUD announced 17 awards totaling $225 million under the Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Notice of Funding Opportunity. The minimum award amount is $1,000,000. Intervention services and routine lead screening are key to early detection and prevention Continuum of Care Program Competition Awards CoC grant funding supports a broad array of interventions designed to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness, particularly those living in places not meant for habitation, located in sheltering programs, or at imminent risk of becoming homeless. FY 2023 Capital Fund Processing Guidance for PHAs ; FY 2023 Letter to Executive Directors ; (REAC) at PHAS@hud. Non-Competitive: PHAs may request assistance on a rolling basis under Notice PIH 2023-04. HUD awards $150M in competitive housing grants to tribes Details By Tribal Business News Staff Real Estate January 14, 2025 The U. The Section 811 Program addresses the unmet housing needs of very low- and extremely low-income HUD Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Grant Awards Announced on January 3, 2025 2 State Grantee City Grant Program1 Award Amount GA Habitat for Humanity International, Inc. 921 OMB Approval Number: 2539-0015, 2501-044 Note: This material is based upon work supported by funding under an award with the U. Funds will help to facilitate the construction and operation of 1,262 new deeply rent-assisted units for low Through the ROSS-SC grant, HUD also provides funding flexibility to allow grantees to provide direct services where necessary to further support the work of the ROSS-SC and ultimately, the goals of the ROSS-SC program. Two properties have more than 200 units, seven properties have between 51-200 units, and three properties have 50 or fewer units. HUD grantees receive funding from HUD to support HUD's mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. 1 Million in Grants to Create and Preserve Affordable Housing for Low-Income Seniors. This Competitive Funding Notice establishes the funding criteria for the FY 2022 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program. YHSI grants will support selected communities in either improving an existing response system for youth homelessness or establishing and implementing a new youth homelessness response system. 24-115 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Thursday May 16, 2024 Biden-Harris Administration Awards Nearly $40 Million to Expand Housing Counseling for Underserved Communities Vice President Harris and Acting Secretary Todman announced this funding, which will help to bridge the racial homeownership gap and foster the next generation Capital Fund Program Awards Notice PIH 2011-24 (HA): This notice, issued on May 10, 2011,provides public housing agencies (PHAs) and HUD Field Office staff with an overview of the Capital Fund Program awards process including the Capital Fund Program formula grant and, where applicable, the Replacement Housing Factor (RHF) grants. 23-159 HUD Public Affairs (215) 656-0500 FOR RELEASE Thursday August 3, 2023 HUD Awards $50 Million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant to Pittsburgh The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh will redevelop Bedford Dwellings public housing property and the Hill District area. Funding Opportunity Title: Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program (LHR) Assistance Listing Number: 14. Requests submitted by FACT SHEET: Fiscal Year 2022 Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) Grants State-by-State Awards The U. Many of PIH's opportunities are found within HUD's annual SuperNOFA. §§ 4854 and 4854a) which directs HUD to conduct research on topics which include the development of improved methods for evaluating and reducing lead-based paint HUD No. HUD posted FY2015 Tribal Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (TRIBAL HUD VASH) Grant Program to grants. View HUD's announcement regarding the FY 2019 CoC 13. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Identifies grant award amount, grant balance and expenditure percentage. Today, HUD awards $171. 8 billion through a competitive process to distribute Fiscal Year 2022 appropriated funds to Continuum of Care (CoC) grant recipients, including approximately $80 million available for non-competitive Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) renewal and replacement expiring grants, and $54 million available for FAQs: FY 2023 Comprehensive Housing Counseling Grant Program; Awards: FY 2023 Comprehensive Housing Counseling Grant Recipients; FR-6700-N-33: February 8, 2024: FY 2023 Housing Counseling Training Grant NOFO: NOFO: FY 2023 Housing Counseling Training Grant NOFO; HUD or by any HUD program. Neither the United States Government, nor any of its employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the [ ^ Top] The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program provides annual grants on a formula basis to states, cities, and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons. 1 million in awards to properties across 10 states under its Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) to support significant energy efficiency and climate resilience renovations in almost 2,000 homes. Office of Inspector General. How many awards will HUD make? HUD expects to make approximately 30 awards from the funds available under the FY24 PRO Housing NOFO. FY 2024 Community Project Funding Grant Guide (Version 1. The HUD No. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today awarded more than $226 million to state, HUD No. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Housing Counseling is announcing the award of $10 million in grant funding under its Homeownership Initiative to 23 HUD-approved housing counseling agencies. U. HUD announced $51 million in funding for the Youth Homelessness System Improvement (YHSI) grants on June 6, 2024. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded today nearly $140 The Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (“GRRP”) provides loan or grant funding to support projects that reduce carbon emissions; improve utility efficiency; implement the use of renewable energy generation; enhance indoor 2024 Awards for HUD’s Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control by State FY 2024 Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Awards State Grantee Name City Grant1 Amount AL Town of Clayton Clayton LBPHC $2,126,599 AZ City of Tucson Tucson LHRD $4,050,000 CA City of Pomona Pomona LBPHC $4,947,433 HUD No. Before the Grantee expends Grant Funds in accordance with any change approved by HUD or otherwise allowed by 2 CFR 200. NOFO. The payouts under the PRICE grant program will go to 17 entities to ‘preserve and revitalize This Handbook gives HUD Program and Administrative Offices a uniform set of requirements staff must follow to fully implement OMB directives, Federal statutes, and regulations throughout the grant life cycle. Office of Inspector General The FAM Score is the first standardized, longitudinal performance metric for the FSS program in its 30-year history. WASHINGTON - Today, President Joe Biden and HUD Acting Secretary Adrianne Todman announced that the Biden-Harris Administration is awarding $325 million in Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant funding to seven communities to build more homes and revitalize neighborhoods that have been left behind. 23-155 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Tuesday August 1, 2023 HUD Awards $50 Million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant to Wilmington The Wilmington Housing Authority will redevelop Riverside Public Housing and the entire Northeast area WILMINGTON, DE - Today, U. e. Please click here, to submit your agency's request using the FYI Application Request Form only PHAs may submit a request. 8 billion through a competitive process to distribute Fiscal Year 2022 appropriated funds to CoC grant recipients, including approximately $80 million available for non-competitive YHDP renewal and replacement HUD No. FY24 Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP) Purpose . Department of Housing and Urban Responsibilities of FSS Program Coordinators. 14. HUD may use fixed amount awards if the project scope is specific and if adequate cost, historical, or unit pricing data HUD No. —Notwithstanding sections 3(b) and 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (the Act) and chapter 63 of title 31, United States Code, amounts made available to the Secretary in this or any prior Act under the headings “Project-Based Rental Assistance” or “Housing Certificate Fund” for performance-based Additional guidance will be provided by HUD, post-award. Implementation Grants provide the funds On August 24, 2022, HUD’s Office of Housing Counseling (OHC) announced that it has awarded $41. 232. 65 billion through a competitive process to distribute Fiscal Year 2021 appropriated funds to CoC grant recipients, including approximately $77,000,000, available for non-competitive YHDP renewal and replacement Capital Fund Certification Schedule for FY 2024: In preparation for the calculation of FFY 2024 Capital Fund grant awards, the annual PIC Certification process will from July 5th through August 15, 2023. These funds are provided through HUD’s Pathways to Removing For PRICE Replacement Pilot awards, grantees are required to supplement the grant with non-federal amounts exceeding 50% of the HUD grant and if single-family manufactured housing units (including pre-1976 mobile homes) are replaced as part of a project that is conducted with PRICE Replacement Pilot funds, those units must be replaced with up This page shows FY 2020 awards for all Continuum of Care (CoC) projects. About HUD. The updates to the FY2022 CPF Grant Guide also provide grant award instructions for establishing your grant in HUD’s Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting (DRGR) system which manages the payment process and periodic reporting of project status and accomplishments. Department of Housing and Urban Development has allocated $150 million in Indian Housing Block Grant Competitive Program funds to support housing development and rehabilitation across Indian Country. See the notice for an explanation of eligibility and application requirements. Identifies grant balance, as well as On Pace and Slow Spenders. At this point, HUD will sign the Grant Agreement, which is the point of obligation of the grant award. 3 million in grants to support the vital services performed by the nation’s housing counselors. 0) FY 2024 CPF Grant Agreement Reference Document During the period of participation, residents may earn an escrow credit, based on increased earned income, which they may use in a variety of ways upon successful graduation from the program. HUD is making available approximately $2. 201(b). CDBG-DR Grants Financial Report: A list of all active CDBG-DR grants, sorted by state. Program Office: Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Funding Opportunity Title: Older Adults Home Modification Grant Program Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6800-N-69 Assistance Listing Number: 14. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will send each PHA receiving Capital Funds an email notifying the PHA of the award of Your FY 2024 CPF Grant Award Letter provides details and the steps to initiate your grant award, including contact information for your HUD CPF Grant Officer and your HUD Regional Environmental Review Officer. Without exception, if the PHA does not contact the REAC by 1/15/2021, the Office of Capital Improvements will use the High Performers in the published HUD No. ” HUD Welcomes FY 2024 EDI CPF Grantees - May 17, 2024; CPF FY 2024 Grantee Third Official Email Update - July 25, 2024; HUD FY 2024 Community Project Funding Grant Award Package – August 28, 2024; Funding Award Information. Back to FHEO Home . HUD Awards $20 Million for Eviction Protection and Diversion (HUD) HUD Expands Eviction Protection and SUBMIT YOUR PLAN TO HUD: HUD will review your Plan to ensure consistency with your approved grant application and Program guidelines. 276. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary The Choice Neighborhoods program leverages significant public and private dollars to support locally driven strategies that address struggling neighborhoods with distressed public or HUD-assisted housing through a comprehensive approach to neighborhood transformation. Closing dates are not applicable to these grants. This funding will help the awarded communities build systems to end youth homelessness through a wide range of housing programs including rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, and This NOFO announces the availability of $15,000,000 through the PEI Multi-Year Funding Component to fund new FY2022 grant awards. Assistance Listing Number: 14. b. Latest Update (Nov. Are there minimum and maximum award amounts? Yes. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will award $73 million in cooperative agreements under the Community Compass Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Program (Community Compass) to 34 non-profit and for-profit organizations, including 6 new organizations to help HUD grantees, such as local governments Additional funds may become available for award under this NOFO consistent with Section VI. Please direct any questions about the CPF grant guides to the Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. For the latest CPF guidance from HUD, please visit HUD. Resource Links. 23-087 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Wednesday April 26, 2023 HUD AWARDS $15 MILLION TO HELP LOW-INCOME SENIORS AGE IN PLACE Grants will fund health and safety repairs in homes of Provided through HUD’s Older Adults Home Modification Program (OAHMP), these grants enable low-income elderly persons to HUD is issuing this second PRO Housing NOFO under the authority of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (Public Law 118-42, approved March 9, 2024) (Appropriations Act), which appropriates $100 million for competitive grant funding for the identification and removal of barriers to affordable housing production and preservation. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has published the Notice of Funding Opportunity for the FY 2024 and FY 2025 Continuum of Care Competition and the Renewal or Replacement of Youth Homeless Demonstration Program grants, authorizing homeless services organizations to apply for more than $3. Americus HHP $2,000,000 GA Hospice Savannah Inc. This Non-competitive Funding Notice establishes the funding criteria for the FY 2020 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program. WASHINGTON - The U. 25-001 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Friday January 3, 2025 HUD Awards More Than $226 Million to Protect Families from Home Health Hazards HUD welcomes the new year with funding to make homes safer. All awards are subject to the funding restrictions contained in this NOFO. Offered under HUD’s Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program, nearly $97 million in funds will help facilitate 732 Project Rental Assistance Contracts (PRAC) to support the construction and operation for 818 new rent-assisted homes for low- and very low-income Note: This material is based upon work supported by funding under an award with the U. WASHINGTON - Today, the U. If you have also been designated to receive an FY2022 CPF grant, HUD provided a separate correspondence regarding that grant and has provided HUD Awards and Allocations. Preference Points: This program does not offer any preference points. , Program Definitions). HUD awarded $26 million in Housing Interventions to End the HIV Epidemic program funding. FY 2022 CPF Grant If you have also been designated to receive as a FY2022 and/or a FY2023 CPF grant, HUD provided a separate correspondence regarding that grant and has provided additional detail on the FY2022 and/or FY2023 EDI-CPF webinar series, cohorts, and communications regarding the grant award process, grant guide, grant award packages, and related HUD No. In January 2022, the Department implemented a new methodology for this report. Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6800-N-35. This Handbook revises HUD Grants awards that were made before the effective dates when the terms of the award state that Fiscal Year 2024 Choice Neighborhoods Planning (CNP) Grant. 5 Million to Make Housing Safer, More Efficient, and Climate Resilient for Low-Income Americans as Part of President Biden’s Investing in America This Competitive Funding Notice establishes the funding criteria for the FY 2021 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program. Refer to Section B. The PRICE grant is divided into two categories, a main CAPITAL FUND PROCESSING GUIDANCE FOR FY 2024 GRANT AWARDS This notice provides Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) with guidance on the Capital Fund Program (CFP) Award process for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024. Over the past few years, we have worked to make the score more usable and to reduce any year-to-year variability that Grant Amount; Grant Number; Review the entire form, including the information displayed for PHA Code, Formal PHA Name, Grant Amount, and Grant Number. 23-099 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Monday May 22, 2023 HUD Awards $95. Search for HUD grants on Grants. : This Notice establishes ongoing application and program administration rules (in accordance with 2 CFR § 984. Press Room. The CGD will notify the Grantee of whether HUD approves or disapproves of the change. 7 2. 23-190 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Wednesday September 6, 2023 HUD Makes Available $256 Million in New Choice Neighborhoods Funding Future awardees will revitalize public and/or HUD-assisted housing, surrounding neighborhoods. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the HUD No. 1. 9. Find award and allocation amounts for grantees by year, program, and state. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today awarded $54 million to 182 fair housing organizations in 42 states under its Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP). HUD grantees include state and local governments, non-profit and for-profit 4 Program Requirements”): 5 6 1. gov no later than 1/15/2021. gov . gov May 13, 2020, (PIH Notice 2020-10). Implementation Grant Budget Workbook & Form (HUD-53236) Financial Instructions; Mixed-Finance Development Proposal, HUD-50157; Mixed-Finance Development Proposal Calculator, HUD-50156; Grant Closeout Procedures Closeout Procedures; Actual Choice Neighborhoods Cost Certificate (HUD-50163) Grantees. This report was established August 2022. Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6800-N-79 HUD No. HUD expects to make approximately 71 awards from the funds available under this NOFO. of the nation"s most vulnerable populations and are offered under HUD"s Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program. The Faircloth In October 2024, PD&R announced $5 million in award funding to Winston-Salem State University and Tennessee State University to establish additional HBCU Research Centers of Excellence. Grants must be used by the grantee or its affiliates for eligible expenses related to developing non The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program supports community development activities to build stronger and more resilient communities. Under the CDBG program, some metropolitan cities have a joint grant agreement with an urban county to administer their CDBG grant. 23-056 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Tuesday March 21, 2023 HUD AWARDS OVER $54 MILLION TO 182 GRANTEES IN 42 STATES TO FIGHT HOUSING DISCRIMINATION Ahead of anniversary of PAVE Action Plan, some grants empower organizations to test for appraisal bias and educate local communities HUD Awards and Allocations. Program Office: Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Funding Opportunity Title: Older Adult Home Modification Grant Program SUMMARY: In accordance with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Reform Act of 1989, this announcement notifies the public of funding decisions made by the Department in competitions for additional funding under the Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) and Notices for the following programs: FY2020 and FY2021 Subject to the restrictions in Section II. These Notices of Funding Availability (NOFAs) will tell you what funds are available and how to apply. A. While The Cash Management HUD makes FYI available in two ways: 1. 6 billion in competitive funding to The allocations reflect the level of funding approved for these programs in your community. The Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP) awards grant funds to eligible national and regional non-profit organizations and consortia to purchase home sites and develop or improve the infrastructure needed to set the stage for sweat equity and volunteer-based homeownership programs for low-income persons and families. , Adjustments to Funding. The substance and findings of the work are dedicated to the public. 7 million to 17 communities through the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP). WASHINGTON - Today the U. In January 2017, HUD released a study entitled, “Housing Needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives in Tribal Areas: A Report From the Assessment of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Housing Needs. 23-163 HUD Public Affairs (215) 656-0500 FOR RELEASE Friday August 4, 2023 HUD Awards $50 Million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant to Philadelphia The Philadelphia Housing Authority will redevelop Bartram Village and the entire Kingsessing area. 24-034 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Thursday February 22, 2024 HUD Awards $73. (RD2), and FY2019 Emergency Safety and Security (RD3) Grant awards on HUD's website. 23-263 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Monday November 27, 2023 HUD Awards $25 Million to Public Housing Agencies to Expand More Housing Choices for Families Awards to Public Housing Agencies will provide support to families with Housing Choice Vouchers to maximize housing and neighborhood choice. PRICE is an innovative grant program – The U. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Assistant Deputy Secretary for Recovery Housing Program (RHP) View the HUD Press Release: May 7, 2024: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $5. Below are Funding of approximately $ 711,764,572 is available through this NOFO HUD expects to make approximately 160 awards from the funds available under this Program Office: Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes. No Fear Act. The U. Laws and Regulations Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program Awards. 905. View a complete list of HUD Grant Officer and HUD Regional Environmental Officer contacts by state. Program Office: Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Funding Opportunity Title: Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6800-N-13 Assistance Listing Number: 14. Grant funds may be used for HUD expects to make approximately 20 awards from the funds available under this NOFO. HUD conditionally awarded $2. Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) that confront an emergency situation or a natural disaster are eligible to apply for and receive funds from the reserve provided that they comply with certain requirements (example: funds provided HUD Program Offices. Those stages are: Application, Conditional Award, and Grant Agreement. HUD is awarding grants in the following categories and amounts: HUD sends the Grant Award Package including the Grant Agreement, Grant Letter, this Grant Guide to prospective grantees with the request that the required materials are returned to HUD. HUD expects to make approximately 800 awards from the funds available under this NOFO. 2. When are the project start and end dates? WASHINGTON - Today, the U. The PEI Multi-Year Component provides grants of up to $425,000 per year per grantee for a three-year duration, with HUD No. These reports are organized by state and then by CoC, or community. The workbook is updated annually with awards for the most recent fiscal year. OMB Approval Number: 2506-0210. 24-053 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Thursday March 14, 2024 HUD Invests Nearly $70 Million to Empower Tribal Communities Across the Nation Grant funding supports development of housing, infrastructure, and community facilities. 15. 23-158 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Wednesday August 2, 2023 HUD Awards $40 Million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant to Miami-Dade County Miami-Dade County will redevelop Cutler Manor and the Goulds neighborhood MIAMI - Today, U. Program Office: Office of Community Planning and Development. The funding will support activities by these agencies to prepare and equip HUD No. In FY 2021, PD&R launched the Eviction Protection Grant Program as part of HUD's continued work, and broader whole-of-government approach, to support families recovering from the public health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. C. Department of Housing and Urban Development. On June 26, 2024, The White House and HUD announced 21 awards totaling nearly $85 million under the Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) Fiscal Year 2023 Notice of Funding Opportunity. Recovery and Grant Reporting (DRGR) and Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS). 6 million in second-year housing counseling grants to 173 HUD-approved local housing counseling agencies, national and regional organizations, multi-state The allocations reflect the level of funding approved for these programs in your community. 107: HUD No. Initiates Grant Agreement and grant award process; Processes draw requests for fund disbursements HUD’s Congressional Grants Division will send the Authorized Representative a grant award letter and the CPF Grant Guide at least 60 days after annual appropriations legislation adds new grantees to Congressional Record. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today awarded over $39 million to city, The CoC Program Awards by Component and Project Type Excel workbook lists all projects that have received CoC Program awards since FY 2018 and includes data on each project’s award amount, component, and project type. gov. HUD is interested in learning the public's views on how the poor performance of a prior-year Lead Hazard Reduction grantee (whether its grant is awarded competitively or by formula) should affect HUD's evaluation of the risk of awarding that grantee a formula grant. FONSI: Not applicable . For example, HUD seeks suggestions regarding when not to award a grant to a HUD awards grants to organizations and groups through a competitive process. Funding of approximately $ 30,520,367 is available through this NOFO. S. HUD grantees include state and local governments, non-profit and for-profit Before entering into an agreement with HUD, each applicant selected for an award (other than a state) must ensure an up-to-date copy of the organization’s code of conduct, dated and signed by the Executive Director, Chair, or equivalent official, of the governing body of the organization, is available in the Code of Conduct e-library. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today HUD’S Fiscal Year 2025 PBCA Proposal. The Grantee's application including any special conditions, is incorporated into this 14 amended during the grant term: the HUD Appropriations Acts, the United States Housing 15 Act of 1937 as amended, FY2022 FSS NOFO dated 8/4/2022 Each year Congress sets aside funds within the Capital Fund appropriation to create a reserve for emergencies and natural disasters. If a grantee organization has not received a grant award letter, then they should contact their HUD grants representative. PRICE provides grant funding to communities to maintain, protect, and stabilize manufactured housing and manufactured housing communities (MHCs). Opening the site visits to the public or revealing the location of the targeted housing or neighborhood at this stage The U. 23-029 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Thursday February 2, 2023 HUD AWARDS $315 MILLION IN HISTORIC GRANTS TO ADDRESS UNSHELTERED AND RURAL HOMELESSNESS The first of its kind package of grants and vouchers follows progress of 100,000 people and families housed and 40,000 housing units Each guide also provides information on the requirements that will govern these funds and the cross-cutting requirements that generally apply to all HUD awards. Secretary of HUD. FONSI. Use of these funds is subject to statutory constraints. HUD expects to make approximately 125 awards from the funds available under this NOFO. As you may recall, the Agency published a Federal Register Notice in 2018 outlining the methodology for evaluating FSS programs. 5 Billion in Grants for Affordable Housing, Note: This material is based upon work supported by funding under an award with the U. 308, the HUD No. Estimated Total Program Funding: $50,000,000 Expected Number of Awards: 20 Maximum Award Amount: $2,500,000. The maximum award amount is $7,000,000. PHILADELPHIA - Today, U. If you have questions or require more information, please submit a question to the e-snaps Ask A Question (AAQ) portal or contact your local HUD CPD field office. 24-284 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Tuesday October 29, 2024 HUD Announces $12 Million to Lower Housing Costs and Expand Access to Affordable Homeownership Funding will allow SHOP grantees may sub-award SHOP grant funds to local non-profit affiliate organizations to carry out the grantee’s SHOP program. HUD or by any HUD program. 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