Diy 40 meter ocf dipole The antenna can be mounted as a dipole or inverted Here (below) is a recording that VA3BLV made on October 10, 2022 at 01:11 UTC (recorded off KiwiSDR software-defined receiver in Jumonville, PA, Grid FM09dw), while I was using your 40 meter linear-loaded antenna design on Buckmaster Off-Center-Fed (OCF) Dipole - Multi-Band Antenna 40, 20, 17, 12, 10 and 6 meters, no tuner required! 8-Band does 160, 75/80, 40, 20, 17, 12, 10 and 6 meters, tuner may be required for 160. The objective being to find an impedance on the antenna that can provide a reasonably good match to the transmitter across multiple bands which are even harmonically related, Complete DIY kit including 150 Watt BalUn, solid tensile stools, Wire, stainless steel mounting material, insulators and all the necessary parts to make the coils. As stated, the impedance at the resonance Figure 7— The K4VX 40-meter linear-loaded dipole deployed at 40 feet. 57m) Page - 5 - Required Items not included in Dipole Kits Rope And that’s all there is to it! This is a great first antenna! Your next step, after getting some air time, will be to insert some traps in that dipole so you can use it on 20-meters. OCF short vertical dipole for HF. An HF antenna tuner will allow it to be used on the 17, 15, 12 and 10m amateur radio bands. I needed a dipole antenna for portable use in my The 80, 40, 20, 17, 12, and 10 meter bands all have roughly the same amplitude at this phase along the wire. As promised in the class, I am making the A Broadband 80/160 Meter Dipole An easy to build single wire antenna for 160 and 80 meters with a better than 2 to 1 swr across the 80 meter band. 38 SWR across the entire 20 meter The OCF dipole presents a reasonably good match to the transmitter across multiple bands, which are even harmonics of the fundamental frequency, including 80, 40, 20, 12, 10 and 6 meter bands. And the ends are up high enough that it isn't Virtually invisible 66-foot jacketed wire element. by Gene Preston, K5GP There is also a 40/30/20 meter version. K6IF/W6BDN 40 Meter Rotatable Dipole . I run the 41' with no problems. 736m, or 25. 38 SWR across the entire 20 meter Coax fed OCF ‘Windom’ antenna. It also works fine on all bands above 40m with a tuner, and even below Ham Radio: 40 Metre Dipole in a small space. What is different about this version is the inclusion of the 6 meter band and a return to the 1/3 feed point ratio. The opposi Complete 40 meter Deltaloop antenna including 1:2 BalUn DIY kit. 40M Dipole. Link to the 3D part rule. A standard center fed dipole dipole for 40 Meters needs around 67 Feet of space. us it with my SGC500 no problem when I need a The dimensions are based on the Palomar Engineers 80-10 Meter OCF Dipole cut at 29/71% giving me access to 17 Meters. Boy have I been missing out! These are amazing performers. Check Recent Price. 15 meter element. If I 'bend' the long The key to obtaining more bands from any Windom (or OCF) is the positioning of the feedpoint. OCF Manual ver. ) My setup was from an MFJ 1848 40-6 meter antenna with the added dipole for 40 and 30 meters. 5-dBi gain on 10 and 6 Meters! Day or night, there’s Recommended for the MFJ-2010, OCFD, Chameleon Antenna Lightweight Portable Off-Center Fed Dipoles OCF-40 CHA-OCF-40. It does not sound like you followed instructions. The dipole can be straight or bent. The 20/40 Meter band Fan Dipole antenna is For the 40m band (7. We designed and built this antenna to mount just below our tri-bander at about 70’ on a crank-up tower. 600 MHz. " THIS IS WRONG! THIS My setup was from an MFJ 1848 40-6 meter antenna with the added dipole for 40 and 30 meters. A fan dipole consists of several dipoles fed at This 10 meter dipole project will enable you to start using your new HF privileges as a Technician class operator on 10 meter SSB between 28. Total horizontal length of the antenna is only going to be 32 or 33 feet, same as a 20 meter dipole. It is rated to take 2 KW. Delivers up to 6-dBi gain on 40 Meters, 9-dBi on 20 Meters, and a whopping 11. Construct a multi-band off-center-fed (OCF) dipole covering the 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters amateur radio bands, and possibly the 6 meter band (but that. They are designed to give you years of trouble-free service! Buckmaster antennas are shipped fully Hence, an end-fed radiator that is dimensioned for the 80 meter band, can also be used for the 40, 20, and 10 meter bands. You want to center your dipole on, as an example, of 14. For maximum efficiency use the largest practicable diameter wire for both the loading coil and the dipole legs. The 40 meter Deltaloop antenna kit contains all the components to create the ideal Deltaloop antenna. This episode is all about how to build that dipole antenna. Depending on your tuner, An Attic Coaxial-Cable Trap Dipole for 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, and 80 Meters John DeGood, NU3E nu3e@arrl. The bandwidth limitations on 160 and 80 meters RadioWavz DX Off Center Fed Windom dipole antenna - DX40 40 meter DX (OCFD) Windom The Radiowavz DX (OCF) Windom is a off center fed dipole antenna that exhibits outstanding performance on multiple bands You are done. Using the calculator below at 20 meters, the dipole length (L) is 31. Multiple dipole antennas are connected to the same feed point. Version 2 of my 40m Ultra-Light OCF dipole has been working for almost one year now. 2 inches 15 Meters 131. I recently got the Ham It Up Upconverter for my Nooelec SDR. 500mhz. Advertisements. 29m) 15 feet (4. The PAL-OCF4010 covers 40-30-20-17-15-12-10 and 6 meters in a length of 66 feet. com - Owner, Bob Rumsey, KZ5R, was very helpful and discussed the selection of which balun design to employ at my location. If the frequency is 3. Most people still believe a Windom MUST be fed at the 1/3 - 2/3 point. 0 inches 20 Meters 163. "By design it has a good SWR only on 40/20/10m. Super convenient and quick – great for Is it possible to build an antenna that's resonant (usable) on more than one frequency? In this video I'll attempt to build an antenna to cover the 40 and 20 OCF dipole covers 40 – 6 meters Dimensions are in meters. It is an off centre fed dipole, with 10 feet of vertical radiator. For example, the Palomar Engineers 4010 OCF is a very popular antenna and OCF Dipole Project, Page 1 of 5 40 - 6 METER OFF-CENTER-FED (OCF) DIPOLE . 7 megahertz, the antenna length is 38. 8:1 balun. WARC band are 12, 17, and 30 meters other 6 are 10,15,20, 40,65, and 160. where: L — Length of The results are conveniently displayed in inches, centimeters, feet and meters. This means that they can all be driven with a similar amount of effort from the transmission line (black x in DIY 40 m, 20 m, 15 m HF Fan Dipole By Anthony Guiller E. The end fed half wave, on the other hand, is exactly a half wavelength long on the desired frequency – think of it as a regular dipole, only that it is fed at the end and not in the middle. The OCF short vertical dipole for HF has become popular, particularly disguised as a flag pole for low impact installations and encouraged by claims 40m Linear-Loaded Dipole I stumbled-upon this antenna design whilst searching for something resonant, but not too lossy for 40m working. 5% offset for best all band results. ANTENNA and FEEDLINE SET UP The OCF dipole will perform well in a variety of configurations and comes to you FULLY-ASSEMBLED. 20 meters is perfect. Does OK on on the other 6. The 40 was laced in one half of the spreaders and the 30 was laced on the opposite half of the antenna spreaders. Using #43 ferrite for this purpose, especially when running digi-modes, often leads to SWR-creep (slowly rising SWR level) due to its low Curie temperature. 4 3. See Figure 6. Hence, the best installation for an OCF is a matter of DIY Worthwhile projects you can build on your own Trap dipole antenna for 20 and 40 meters Similar to what I had built two years ago, I thought I’d present another dual-band HF dipole antenna, for 20 meters and 40 meters, but this time using 40-20-10m & 15m FD3 40-20-10m % of overall length 17. If necessary, the legs may be bent to fit available space. It’s a dipole fed off center with a 4:1 balun at the offset feed point. This is the price paid for multiband coverage and physical short- ening. It has all the same advantages as the OCF — no matching coils and works on multiple bands without any fuss — but an EFHW doesn’t need three supports like the OCF does. The antenna shown covers 80, 40, 20 and 10 meters. Line Isolation / Choke Balun: A line isolation balun isolates the antenna elements from the coaxial transmission line so that power is radiated by the dipole antenna elements and not by the feed The OCF-3K80 is an off-center fed multi-band dipole. Compared to a single-band resonant dipole with equal length legs, the One final OCF dipole, Figure 5, this time for the 6, 10, 20, and 40 meter bands, is by Rick Littlefield, K1BQT, and was presented in QST, June 2008. For example, for the 20m band (14. Therefore, I have 40-meters, 20-meters, plus 10-meters, and is based on the design by Balun Designs. tall. 554 meters, and the dipole leg length is 19. At heights of 30' to 100' (10 to 30 meters), it will work well, as long as its physical length is longer than 0. 09 meters. Or at least parts thereof, as the bands are not 100% harmonically related. I did preform a test at center 12 feet off the ground, ends at 7 feet Unlike Buckmaster OCF antennas (at twice the price, and no WARC bands, 6 meter or 15 Meter operation, you can transmit and receive on 12, 15, 17 and 30 meters with our OCF - Better engineering and lower price - only from Palomar The OCF does work! Before we tackle the claims made about the OCF antenna, let's start by saying that it will work, but not significantly better than a dipole of the same length. the entire 40 meters and, and 1. Remember greatest radiation from a dipole comes from the center, so you don't lose much. A standard horizontal dipole is fed at a position other than the centre. A two-for-one antenna! The Antenna "System" Keep in mind that the antenna is only part of a coherent system! An antenna system is composed of such as 4in. Nothing else left to do. 0 - 14. , a 2-meter vertical, a 40-10 Meter Off Center Fed (OC F) Dipole, and a 10-meter rotatable aluminum dipole. Here is a photo from DJ0IP showing his 40 meter cap hat dipole below his spider beam: The classic modeling approach is to treat the antenna (or in the case of a dipole, each leg) as an open ended transmission line in order Portable End-Fed / 80-6 Meters/ Dipole Antenna/ 300 watts Excellent antenna. l = L /2. Here is my home HF antenna. Resources listed under 40m dipole Without an antenna tuner, the Fan Dipole can operate on the 40 and 20 meter amateur radio bands. . The most difficult part of an OCF antenna to build, however, is the 4:1 current balun, used as the center insulator. As with all trap dipoles, this one has less-than-ideal bandwidth due to the load- ing effect of the traps. Specifications. Try to mount the antenna with the feed-point at about 35+ feet above ground and the Total length of antenna in feet Open the dipole length calculator in a separate page. It is an excellent all-around 40 meter antenna for those who don’t have room for (or can’t DX Engineering Multi-Band Off Center Fed Dipole Antenna Kits (OCF) take advantage of the practice of feeding two different length wire dipole legs with a 4:1 Balun. Some time in 2018 I purchased the MFJ-913 4:1 current balun for my DIY OCF dipole antenna. Tent Poles-DIY 10m Yagi/Vertical HAM RADIO: 40M Spiral Magnetic Loop Antenna; 2. It also works fine on all bands above 40m with a tuner, and even below In fact, they are one of the easiest antennas to build and erect for HF radio bands, such as 10, 15, 20, 40, 80, and 160 meters, to achieve top-quality and improved How To Make A Dipole Antenna. The antenna can be mounted as a dipole or inverted The Radiowavz DX (OCF) Windom is a off center fed dipole antenna that exhibits outstanding performance on multiple bands typically without a tuner. I’ve built one for 40M and it worked well on 40M and higher. 11 –Sept 23 2016 Array Solutions OCF – Series Dipoles Fig 1 Thank you and congratulations on your purchase of the Array Solutions, Off-Center Fed HF Dipole Antenna System. January 4, 2020 April 27, 2020 KM4NMP 5 Comments on 40M Dipole. An ultra-lightweight 4-Band wire dipole - weighs less than one pound, including 40' of coax. Works very well on the WARC bands. I looked your antenna up and the specifications are 80, 40, 20, and 10 meters. 0:1) Max In all the years I've been playing radio, I've never built a folded dipole. As I pointed out to Don, N4UJW, when he suggested this article to be published, I'm very much a "monkey see monkey do" amateur. 5 out of 5 stars. Performance There appears to be little measurable on-the-air difference between this short-ened dipole and a full-sized dipole. This one is an extremely cost-effective, lightweight and easy to build QRP version from DL1DN of QRP Lifestyle on YouTube. In this video I use materials on hand to build a 40-meter amateur radio dipole. This formula to obtain the length of a half-wave dipole antenna will give a good ballpark value to start with. Best HF Ham Radio for Off-Grid Survival; Old TV rabbit ears as a junk box 2 meter antenna. 2 feet the length of . 20 m refers to the wavelength of the transmitted and/or received signal. It is just an overall good skill to have under your belt. This antenna is the result of amateur radio lessons learned, In this Video I will show how to build a 20 meter Dipole from parts you might have around the house, from build to tuning for your desired frequency. Off-Centre-Fed Dipole OCF’s are a descendant of the Windom. My Yaesu 891 and FC-50 tuner match down to 1:1 ratio with no problems 40m -10m which was all I was interested in. It is a half wave dipole designed for the center frequency of A Simple 4 - Band Wire Antenna. It needs no tuner on 40m, 20m and 10m. I have it set up in an inverted V approx. Overview. I cut in half two Anderson connectors from an old UPS and tie-wrapped the antenna wires to the eyebolts. My 40m dipole was resonant at 7. The CHA-OCF Some time in 2018 I purchased the MFJ-913 4:1 current balun for my DIY OCF dipole antenna. 80/75, 40, 20, 17, 12, 10, 6 meters - 135 ft. - 68 ft. Today’s topic is an end fed half wave antennas. The Windom (or OCF Dipole if you prefer), offers a true multi-band, Anyway, I do have an MFJ 300W 4:1 balum and a 70' roll of antenna wire as I originally thought I'd only have room for a 40 meter dipole. Designed to be rugged yet lightweight, DX Noise FIgure Meter; RFPM1; trusdx; OCF short vertical dipole for HF. txt) or read online for free. The picture on the right above shows an OCF Dipole with the feedpoint positioned at the same feedpint of the classical WINDOM antenna, fed with 50 Ohm coax through a 4:1 or 6:1 balun at a point 1/3 of the distance from one end. net Abstract A coaxial-cable trap dipole antenna installed in the attic provides a surprisingly effective solution to HF operation KB6HRT Rating: 2015-06-03; NICE Time Owned: 0 to 3 months. Conventional Off-Center Fed antennas start with the goal of making the antenna work well on the lowest frequency band placing the harmonic resonances high or outside the upper bands usually requiring an antenna tuner on some or all So why would you spend time making an EFHW and a standard 1/2 wave dipole? I made the 1/2 wave dipole for the convenience factor when the summit is marked by a trig. OVERVIEW: The antenna is fed with a SO-239 connector attached to an integral 6:1 balun (auto-transformer. This tool calculates the physical dimensions of a 20 meter (m) dipole antenna. $89. Here I show you what you need to make one and how I installed mine at home in Such a simple antenna to make and yet it performs so well. The formulae to calculate the dipole antenna and leg length are: L = 468 / f. 40m Linear-Loaded Dipole I stumbled-upon this antenna design whilst searching for something resonant, but not too lossy for 40m working. Contrary to popular belief, the best transformer balun to use is a 4:1 Ruthroff (voltage) balun wound on a single #61 ferrite Toroid. In most cases, no antenna tuner is needed and switching bands is as easy as changing the band on the radio. The 40 Metre Dipole. One day I decided to drop the antenna and do a little maintenance. Commonly used on bands like 80 meters, 40 meters, 20 meters, 15 meters, 04. It tunes 10 thru 160. The current/voltage distribution You decide, as an example, that you want to operate on the 20 meter band with your dipole, so you plug in the formula into your calculator and get started. The 80m version of the OCF Dipole is supposed to be capable of 80, 40, 20, and 10m bands. Not only Making a simple antenna for 40 Meters is not very difficult. The garden here at PZT Towers is 50ftx20ft so a full-length flat-top dipole/doublet to get me onto 7MHz was out of the question Or was it? What No Coils? The method of “linear-loading” is a fancy way of saying “fold back on itself” – It reduces The 40 Meter Vertical Project By ZL1ALZ, John - New Zealand . The next figure shows a variation on mast which holds three other antennas, viz. Since the magnitude of rule. Below are the basic DIY The 40 meter half-wave dipole antenna, intended for NVIS duty, described in the schematic diagram above, is made portable for field work by using linear-loading technique which will yield an antenna span about 33% shorter than normal! the OCF dipole antenna will get you on-the-air from your home QTH or in a portable operation area. For more details on antenna design, 40/20/15/10 meters Cut Wire Lengths 60 feet (18. Distance from center of antenna to the center of the coil in feet (Must be less than half the total antenna length given above). The formula can also be used to adjust the overall length to cover more or fewer bands and the resulting overall Construct a multi-band off-center-fed (OCF) dipole covering the 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters amateur radio bands, and possibly the 6 meter band (but that is considered a bonus band, Is it possible to build an antenna that's resonant (usable) on more than one frequency? In this video I'll attempt to build an antenna to cover the 40 and 20 OCF dipole covers 40 – 6 meters Dimensions are in meters. All of my HF antennas are being used with my main transceiver; so, I Here (below) is a recording that VA3BLV made on October 10, 2022 at 01:11 UTC (recorded off KiwiSDR software-defined receiver in Jumonville, PA, Grid FM09dw), while I was using your 40 meter linear-loaded antenna design on Off Center Fed (OCF) antennas are very convenient as they will allow multiple bands of operation with a simple wire antenna which is fed off center. The feed point impedance is 120 to 140 ohms and required a 2. I have built a multi-band DIY fan-dipole antenna for 40-meter, 20-meter, and 15-meter HF bands. 300Mhz. An Off Center Fed Dipole is an easy way to use one antenna for multiple bands. Com-puter modeling indicates less than 1 dB difference also. (• Windom(for(10(– 40(meters(shown Homepage van Maarten Ouwehand PG1N. For me, the OCF dipole is significantly noisier than the standard dipoles DIY Worthwhile projects you can build on your own Trap dipole antenna for 20 and 40 meters Similar to what I had built two years ago, I thought I’d present another dual-band HF dipole antenna, for 20 meters and 40 meters, but this time using For an 80 meter OCF antennas we recommend a (95 feet/79. Resources listed under 40m dipole The 20/40 Meter band Fan Dipole antenna is a combined dipole antenna. This was more convenient with tube transmitters that could tolerate a higher SWR, however. That is because it is “end fed”. 030 MHz and 21. 40 meters 30 meters 20 meters 17 meters 15 meters (OCF) Dipole versions with different band coverage and SWR results, as well as the description of the wire antenna assembly. I did a little research and found out the input impedance was around 200 ohms more or less, therefore a 4:1 balun was required, preferably a current balun. always worked well. The OCF-3K80 is an off-center fed multi-band dipole. It's also ideal for those Order 4-Band 5,000 Watt OCF Dipole Antenna: $565 (5,000 watt models are special order only and are made on-demand, so will always take a couple weeks to ship. With a tuner, you are also supposed to be capable The antenna in question was an Off Center Fed (also known as OCF) dipole and they claimed their version was tuneable from 40 to 10 meters with the exception of 15 meters. 175 MHz = 10. 468 / freq in Mhz = total length in feet for a half wave dipole. KB1NWH. This antenna is ideal for those who do not use a tower and beam. 277 meters. Dipole antenna projects for the 40 meter band category is a curation of 51 web resources on , Half-Length Dipoles for 40 Meters, W5VMs Shorty 40 Antenna, 40-80 Coax Trap Dipole. However, the actual resulting Building the doublet is pretty simple. 2. 35 MHz), the length of each element of the dipole would be: Length = 143 / 14. 00 meters You can also look up other frequencies using our Dipole Antenna Calculator found HERE! Buckmaster OCF Dipole Antennas. Check ou DIY 40 m, 20 m, 15 m HF Fan Dipole By Anthony Guiller E. The bandwidth limitations on 160 and 80 meters 6 responses to “Home Made Off Center Fed Dipole Great article Ed! KB1NWH. 3:1 and under. 300mhz and 28. CAROLINA WINDOM® and RADIO WORKS OCFD MAX™ are Trademarks owned by the RADIO WORKS™ Page 1/3 RADIO WORKS™ Off-Center-Fed Dipole The “OCFD Max™ 40” Coaxial Feedline to your tuner The picture above on the left shows the classical Dipole, which is usually fed with 50 Ohm coax, through a 1:1 balun. 5% and 40 feet/29. To my surprise, the top of the balun popped off the body revealing the guts. The garden here at PZT Towers is 50ftx20ft so a full-length flat-top dipole/doublet to The wire-length on Yes, you can operate a 40 meter (7 MHz) dipole on 15 meters (21 MHz) too. The balun at the feedpoint is a 4:1 balun. Only the 40m elements are linear-loaded. Many folks suggest making the doublet a half-wavelength long at the lowest band you intend to use. Diameter of the conductor OCF DIOPLE 6 TO 80 METER I'm very impressed with the build quality. With any luck, the feedline will be one wavelength long on 40m, two wavelengths long on 20m, and four wavelengths say 40 to 43%, the impedance on all of the classical ham bands including 15m is very reasonable and easily matchable with the only reason to use an OCF dipole is to be able to use coax on a single wire multi Knowing how to build an antenna also saves you a bit of money from buying the commercial ones online that can range from $40 up to $180. OCF 8 bands 160-6 HF Windom antenna. It competes in popularity with the "Half Size G5RV" from England. I don’t usually plug products here, but I thought that this M0CVO off-center fed dipole was a clever design. pdf), Text File (. I had 3 sections of Rohn 25 tower laying around that I used for one of the end legs. doc / . How To Build A Dipole Antenna – Simple DIY At Reasonable Budget; Top 7 - the diameter of the 20-meter radiator is 56 inches; Final size of elements: 10 Meters 97. Part Number: CHA-OCF-40. 40 meters is perfect. Centre-Fed Dipole or just OCF. 4 GHz Dual Feed Helix Antenna for QO100 Version 2; The Amazing Delta Loop Antenna; Off Center Fed Dipole I'm often asked how to make a dipole. 4 ft. The antenna pretty much Buckmaster OCF Dipole Antennas. The 80/40/(15) Multi band dipole antenna is a half wave dipole for the 40 One final OCF dipole, Figure 5, this time for the 6, 10, 20, and 40 meter bands, is by Rick Littlefield, K1BQT, and was presented in QST, June 2008. OCF-Dipole 40m to 10M - Free download as Word Doc (. let me re do. It should be mounted as an inverted-V. Show me a picture, or a diagram and I'll Balun/Unun DIY Kits; Bullet(TM) Baluns/Ununs; Antenna Systems. The balun was purchased from BalunDesigns - www. ‚ if an 80 meter antenna is too long‚ as it is 133 feet in this Construct a multi-band off-center-fed (OCF) dipole covering the 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters amateur radio bands, and possibly the 6 meter band (but that. For a multi-band OCFD the sine waves show that there are two feed-points. NONESENSE! The classical feedpoint of the windom will give you the This is commonly used to operate 15m using a 40m dipole, or 10m using the 7th harmonic resonance with an 80m dipole. Portable Light Weight 40 Meter Off-Center Fed Dipole (CHA OCF40) Operator’s Manual tuner on the 40, 20, 10, and 6 meter Amateur Service Bands and with a tuner on 60, 30, 17, 15, and 12 meters - enabling operation on the most popular POTA and SOTA bands. For the 10m band (28. Ohyou can use the 40-meter dipole on 15-meters The 40m OCF Dipole, also called FD-3, is one of the most popular multi-band antennas in Germany. models cover 80/75, 40, 20, 17, 12, 10, 6 meters - A Stealthy, Rugged, 100 Watt 40 thru 6 Meters Multi-band OCF Dipole for Home, Portable and Base Station Operations Simple, Elegant, High Quality For Less. Not only The OCF or Off Center Fed Dipole antenna is much like a conventional dipole antenna in that the formula you use to calculate the length of it is the same. I also found a design for a linear loaded vertical antenna for 40m and 80m. The difference with the short OCF is that it is less than λ/2 overall, and the feed is offset below the centre (and tube 8 is omitted, a different support is used) all of which results in the s/c stub Buckmaster OCF Dipole Antennas are made from the best quality materials with a completely potted waterproof balun and no external connectors. For best results support center at 30+ feet and ends over 15 feet. The Welcome to another episode of Ham Radio Basics. I hung it on the antenna test rig I bui How About a 160-Meter Off-Center-Fed Dipole? Will a 160-meter OCF dipole work as a multiband antenna? First, I do not have enough horizontal space to experiment with a full-size 160-meter horizontal dipole. Documentation. Figure 7 is a photo of the antenna at 40 feet. Feeding the OCF Dipole antenna projects for the 40 meter band category is a curation of 51 web resources on , Half-Length Dipoles for 40 Meters, W5VMs Shorty 40 Antenna, 40-80 Coax Trap Dipole. Antenna Static Bleeders; Broad Band Terminated Dipoles (BBTD, T2FD) Bullet Antenna Products; Coax Feed Line Common Mode Chokes (1:1) Dipole Antennas; End Fed Half Wave Antennas; End Fed Long Wire Antennas; End Fed OCF Antennas; G5RV/ZS6BKW Antennas; Loop Antennas; Off Center Whatis(aWindom(• Itis(an(offAcenter(fed(dipole(and(can(be(constructed(as(a(mulFband(antenna. Supplied with: 1x BALUN 1:1, 2 X 10 meters This antenna is a dipole with lumped-constant loading. I like the antenna a lot, have the one made out of RG11 coax, after tuning have less than 1. My current setup is a 10 thru 40 OCF and a Hustler 4BTV vertical, hoping to put up a 10 thru 80 OCF as soon as I can trim some trees. This antenna was built with the same quality workmanship and attention to detail as our military, government and commercial wire antenna products. 5 SWR from 7175 to 7295 General voice portion of 40m. Loop antennas should be cut for 1005/F(MHz) in total length, where F (MHz) is the lowest frequency to be used. Operational bands for the OCFD MAXTM 40 + 15 include 40, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 meters. The OCF dipole NEW TEXT,SWR CURVES,POLAR PLOTS An excellant multiband antenna for limited space, The 40 meter cage dipole has a bandwidth spread of almost 1 mhz. September 6, 2012. 0 - 7. Trigs are excellent supports for a squid pole and Hello Operators . If you use 66%/34% offset, do not use on 15 meters as the impedance mismatch may damage the balun at high power levels. Most people believe the 40m OCF cannot work 15m. Estimated Ship Date: Today. The Delta loop antenna is not used as often compared to other I followed an article Antenna Here is a Dipole [PDF] by James Hearly, NJ2L to build a dual band 40/15m dipole: The antenna works more or less as expected. This antenna covers 65 kHz of 160 meters, 75 kHz of 80 meters and the entire 40-meter band with SWRs under 2:1. Of course, it requires a good radial system to work well, but it will Unlike Buckmaster OCF antennas (at twice the price, and no WARC bands, 6 meter or 15 Meter operation, you can transmit and receive on 12, 15, 17 and 30 meters with our OCF - Better engineering and lower price - only from Palomar Engineers! INSTALLATION. 7 MHz), the length of each element of the dipole However, for backpack and portable use (or tricky home installs), I think the EFHW is a better overall antenna. 4 Stars 8 band ocf dipole flex weave Able to get balun up about 50 ft, and ends about 20 ft. The EZ files had to be saved as An Off-Center-Fed (OCF) dipole with total span of 84+17=101 ft, with the feed point at 1/6th of the total span (101 / 6 ≈ 17 ft = 17%) from one end ( = 83 / 17 OCF). K1POO 4 Band Off Centre Fed Dipole (40-20-15-10m ) The diagram above shows an 40m half-wave wire with 4 sine waves superimposed associated with 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m bands. I loosened the ends of the antenna and did a slight tug on the coax to pull it to the ground. It is an excellent all-around 40 meter antenna for those who don’t have room for (or can’t I finally got around putting up a 40 meter inverted V Dipole. 75 inches The top and bottom "ring element assemblies" are the same, only inverted of each other. No where does it state any of the other bands in the specifications. Certainly in a fixed setup this antenna has its advantages. A fan dipole consists of several dipoles fed at An OCF Dipole with Homebrew 4:1 Balun Next was to listen up at 10 meters which from my QTH has been a wasteland of signals. A dipole Build a 40 Meter Loaded Coil in 15 Minutes – Under $5! #hamradio #diy #antenna Discover how to build a 40-meter loaded coil antenna quickly and affordably! I The TZ-OCF-40 trapped wire dipole features include: Operating bands 10, 20 & 40m (Use on 80/30/17/12/6m with a tuner - 15m not recommended,) Bandwidth 10m - 2500kHz, 20m - 800kHz, 40m - 600kHz typical, (VSWR < 2. It will work well on the 80, 40, 20, 17, 12, and 10-meter ham bands with no need for tuning. you don't show a 10 meter measurement. Urbano, DU1AU February 2022. 2 λ. 11 –Sept 23 2016 2. 15 MHz = 20. DIY, continued Off-center-fed dipole antenna Zip Coax fed OCF ‘Windom’ antenna. models cover 40, 20, 10 and 6 meters Classic OCF (Off-Center Fed) antennas, like Buckmaster, typically have the feedpoint at the 2/3 and 1/3 point on the overall half-wave wire antenna. 0 - 29. ) Buckmaster 7-Band OCF Dipole Antennas are 135 feet (41 meters) After living with it for a couple of days I've reverted back to my old arrangement of a 40/80 trap dipole with a 20m dipole connected to the same balun. 35-40 Feet above the ground. But, what if you only have space for a 20 Meter dipole, 33 Feet? If this is case, than you have coverage of intermediate propagation paths. The 40 meter cage dipole can be installed flat or inverted V, recommened height 25'. That is, if you have the space. Creation date : 11/08/2007 @ 00:50 Last update : 15/09/2024 @ 14:40 Category : Multiband HF Projects Page read 20748 times Find Buckmaster OCF Dipole Antennas 20 meters Wire Antenna Band and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Buckmaster OCF Dipole Antennas are made from the best quality materials with a completely potted waterproof balun and no external connectors. 3 MHz), the length of each element of the dipole would be: Length = 143 / 7. contact with the wire. balundesigns. 99. Super convenient and quick – great for The 40 Metre Dipole. docx), PDF File (. (Example: Balun Designs 411 4 ocf). This antenna is only 7. yxow kcuzbp cno ouvkvd exzajg som zfxn lbp zrqxrs wdzdt