Arduino nextion library programming. Here is my setup: #include <Nextion.

Arduino nextion library programming h> #define LICHTSCHRANKENEINGANG1 17 #define DIRECTION 2 #define PULSES 3 #define MOTORFUERSCHNEIDEN 14 int Jun 5, 2024 · Hello everyone, I am experiencing an issue with my Nextion TFT screen not displaying any information when connected to an Arduino Leonardo. Mar 9, 2017 · I Have a screen Nextion (already programmed witn Nextion Editor, two buttons)connected on pin 14 (TX3) and pin 15 (RX3) of my Arduino Due. When the button is pushed, i read Jun 16, 2022 · A DS18B20 library is totally wrong for reading a DHT. Mar 13, 2017 · I have a Nextion display from itead studios. So my idea was now, that if my page was opened, the button should be clicked automaticly and my ESP-code should be execudet. I'm quiet sure that it's a lib issue but I couldnt figure out whats wrong with it. Thanks. I would really appreciate it Mar 12, 2023 · I will try to make this as clear as possible. There are 4 valve manifolds and each valve manifold has an intake and exhaust valve (all Nov 8, 2021 · Ive been away from esp dev for at least a year. i have created a button "bt_Alarm1PopCallback". The library uses a cust I personally use the EasyNextionLibrary and find the trigger functions very helpful for sending values from the Nextion to the Arduino. 90 – CP210X Bridge Drivers needed for this ESP32 – Nextion Editor v0. Users can use the library freely, either for commercial projects or for open-source projects, without any additional conditions. If i use the same pins 16 and 17 with a declaration of Softwareserial it works. thanks a lot in advance. Though if the library is not found inside the library-manager you can do a google-search if the library is availabe on GitHub search with google for Github libraryname. According to our project, we needed to add a screen Nextion (NX8048P050-011). After the user inputs data into the text box, I tried to get the value of the text box with the getText() method which is a member function of the NexText calss. When assembling, I connect the Nextion display to the RX2 and TX2 and load and power the ESP32 with the USB cable. Dec 9, 2018 · Have a look at the Nextion instruction set for “page”. Current Setup: Microcontroller Dec 23, 2020 · By Easy Nextion Library do you mean Easy Nextion Library Nextion Button communication with arduino mega 2560. 4 with esp32-wroom-32u. I would like to use this to control pneumatic valves. I was always using the nextion lib and never had much problems. What is the appropriate way to get the value of that variable into my main sketch? EDIT: rereading what I wrote didnt make Add library "ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion-master". h> #include <NexButton. To control the motor I am using the Sep 12, 2023 · Hello guys, hope your all doing well. I only want to increment a variable in case "hour_" when the "but" button is pushed, but on the serial monitor hasn't showed the incremented number. My Feb 8, 2020 · Nextion Arduino library provides an easy-to-use way to manipulate Nextion serial displays. A search for "dht sensor arduino" gets almost a half million hits. Everything is working great until I try to create a NexCheckbox. I have 2 probelms with it: 1: Its not possible to create the x and y axis names 2: more important. On my Nextiondisplay i have a textbox. The store investigated the device and said that all their screens with a white background have these A simple library for Nextion LCD display that uses ONLY 4 functions - commands. 3 KB And of course, at this gitHub repository: GitHub - Seithan/EasyNextionLibrary: A simple library for Nextion display that uses only four functions. h> #include <NexCheckbox. It must had a Serial2 on pin 16 and 17. There are ten examples in our library now. X) I encountered a very strange problem. h library. 25 in the nextion screen. Nextion has also hidden commands see if intrested see link to UNUF project in Links section. Jul 26, 2021 · Split your problem in 2 parts, start with getting text on your Nextion, when that works deal with the SD card and what you want to print, and slot that into your now working methods for printing on a Nextion. txt value from each textbox Apr 8, 2020 · You can find the library through the Library Manager of the Arduino IDE, by searching: Easy Nextion Library 789×447 18. I got the two libraries to work together after I modified the Nextion library to point to NeoSwSerial and not SoftwareSerial. Some library that itead either rewrote or just named the same. Easy Nextion Library; ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion; We use EasyNextion. I created a code for a led strip , blinking , and i want to stop the blink whenever i press the button Stop , the s button on the code . I tried with different values; all were correct except the numbers above 65536 Nov 29, 2019 · There is a standard example from the Nextion library for working with a button: /** * @example CompButton. I have finally got the Nextion to send the string I want it to, over serial, but the problem is: Every time I change a value on the nextion by toggling a button, more gibberish is added to the serial. The first page is used to display data, while the other two are used to take inputs and set some parameters. For my project it is essential that the Mar 11, 2021 · Hi, I'm new to the Nextion and I'm looking for some help to fix a minor issue with my code. print("page1. There, i am plotting my measured dataponts. 12. Check some out to see what others Aug 27, 2020 · so i decided to have that output to an arduino and have the arduino use a nextion library to talk to the screen, the program that exports the numbers from the pc outputs the following (i have the ability to modify what this program outputs, but feel im in a place where what it ouputs is useable by the arduino) Nov 12, 2019 · I have an updated version of this video https://youtu. I have a nextion 7inch display with a custom ESP32 board. It must have to do with the calculation in the if loop that I activate using the Start button Jun 7, 2020 · Hello Axel and thank you :), The most common reason to cause this is to run the commands of the library continuously in the loop(). * Comment it to disable debug serial. If I do a simple 2-page 2-button setup, I can make the buttons on one display change the page and print text on both displays. After increasing or decreasing 52, in the "Button Enter Function" I want to assign the new value to the variable int lift_angle. 2: 31: Programming. Mar 18, 2024 · Hello people, I'm a newbie with arduino and trying to learn it. I am using a Nextion and with it, the Nextion intern Waveform (xy-plot). If you want to use the libraries there are other people here who might help, but that's up to them. The program that I made work fine but the problem is when I tried to send the position of the stepper to the Nextion display each 1s to update it using Serial. h witch hardwareSerial , nextion not communicate with esp32. When using Ricardo's' receive message example: I should get : 65 Jan 23, 2021 · Multiple libraries were found for "Nextion. #include <Nextion. h” #include “NexText. For the interface I am using a Nextion Dec 21, 2019 · I am using Arduino IDE, Uno, and a Nextion enhanced 2. zip Nextion. Contribute to bborncr/nextion development by creating an account on GitHub. I am working with the Nextion library (GitHub - itead/ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion) there is a file called NexHardware. The screen needs to be refreshed fairly quickly (10-per second) and have 10 fields to update, and 3-buttons that requires attention if pressed within the page. When i open the page, the click event for the button (initValStartPopCallback) gets triggered, BUT my code in my scetch isnt execuded. I seem to remember that the Nextion screen does not like using software serial ports, so it makes sense to move the DMX if possible. Whenever I change pages, I wan to have the value from before to appear on my display without pressing any button. I'd having a hard time visualizing how the Arduino can be causing the Nextion to display a page with a strat button, when the Arduino is not started. thus, i made a small code just to check. r. The latest version of nextion editor V0. h looks like this: /** * Define DEBUG_SERIAL_ENABLE to enable debug serial. val is 988, when I press a button to change page and go back I want the same value "988" to be in n0. h and just SoftwareSerial. Whoever wrote that library had absolutely no clue what he was doing, and the handling of serial data is simply appallingly bad - it will randomly discard entire messages with no warning. In the library, nexConfig. The reason I have decided to use Visuino instead of the Arduino IDE is my lack of programming skills -- the Nextion library is confusing to me. Holding the buttons takes me to another page with sliders to adjust brightness. To use this library, open the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE and install it from there. zip. Mar 5, 2019 · hello i have a nextion display, and i created a keypad so that you can set an analog value and send it to Arduino so i can control the speed of a dc motor for example. My knowledge tells me that there are 3 things that have to happen to get an ESP/Arduino to listen Dec 20, 2023 · As to your PM to me, anything you can do with a library you can do without, the question are: How easy it to do without a library, and does the library support what you want to do? If you look at the Nextion instruction set Instruction Set - Nextion you will see that to send something to a graph you need to use the 'add' instruction to add a Sep 16, 2020 · Hello, I'm quite beginner with Arduino and C++ and I'm facing an issue that I don't understand at all. h: [ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion-master] ResolveLibrary(Nextion. So i am now a little bit confused. The question is: If I don’t #include ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion how can it still find commands in that library? When I look in Tools>Manage Libraries and search for ITEADLIB it’s not in there. h" // Pinout defenitions #define white_button_in 12 #define white_button_led 13 # Jun 20, 2019 · parts Mega Board Nextion 5. I'm trying to control speed and steps of stepper motor with two sliders on Nextion NX3224T024 display and Arduino Nano. There are various libraries you can use to manage a Nextion display. Jan 19, 2017 · Hi, I’m using GitHub - bborncr/nextion: A simple Nextion HMI library for Arduino nextion library in conjunction with NeoSwSerial library. On my nextion I have many pages with many textboxes. h) -> candidates: [ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion-master] Nextion-Demo-Code-001:11:1: error: 'Nextion' does not name a type; did you mean Jul 8, 2019 · Hi everyone, Please help. I have a Nextion display and I am using the EasyNextionLibrary on Arduino IDE. The library uses a custom protocol that can prove to be a powerful tool for advanced users as it can be easily modified to meet one’s needs. now the value is stored in a text object, from the library i found this function: uint16_t NexText::getText(char *buffer, uint16_t len) { String cmd; cmd += "get "; cmd += getObjName(); cmd += ". * * @author Wu Pengfei (email:<pengfei. I have a working project where sending the data from Arduino to Nextion is ok but from Nextion to Arduino I just can't get it. h" #include "Nextion. 1. Hi,everybody! From this tutorial,you will learn how to use the ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion_Library to work with Nextion. I also go over some troubleshooting. If you enjoy th Jan 21, 2019 · The function hourtext. This library is configured for Arduino MEGA2560 by default. 32 to avoid too Dec 28, 2021 · A universal alternative and more flexible Nextion library Allows multiple Nextion HMIs on one MCU with multiple UARTs. I have made a simple program from the Nextion Editor, and uploaded it to the Nextion display using an SD card. Jun 3, 2022 · This is a redo of a video I did back in 2019. I am having trouble getting my Start button to work more than once without resetting the serial monitor. The input of sensors is processed in an Arduino Micro and displayed on a Nextion Display. h library, but I got stuck adjusting the angle with sider. (It works) The Nextion program is simply a screen with a few different buttons on it. I'm communicating with bare commands over serial. Using SoftwareSerial I receive data from a external scale via a RS232 Nov 24, 2020 · Hi. This works fine but I was trying to use a button on the screen that will allow the temperature check to happen. I will show you how to use the Arduino SoftwareSerial instead. h. Currently, I'm working on a project that has a screen with several text/number fields and buttons. Here is my setup: #include <Nextion. Oct 16, 2021 · This topic was automatically closed 180 days after the last reply. Just try a simple page change first with a number for the page. If you have a DHT sensor you will need a library for that and not a library for DS18B20. */ # Oct 27, 2022 · Hi, I tried to program with arduino a stepper motor with Nextion display. 19 (don't like IDE 2. Releases. Feb 12, 2016 · I'm new here and still new to all of this in general and I'm trying to learn. As i have found out the Edison does not like the Nextion library especially the function "utoa" which is used throughout the Nextion library. Also the nextion code takes advantage of the fact that all pins by default are set as inputs so they do not bother to set them in setup. I would really like to set it up where I can iterate through the boxes to update the information. I don't exactly understand what I need to change in the DMXserial. After much searching I found a this thread which says to past the following into the header file (Nextion. Here are the details: Original Setup: Microcontroller: Arduino Uno R3 Display: Nextion TFT screen (NX4832T035) Status: Worked perfectly, data displayed as expected. The protocol can be extended from user by adding his own Sep 8, 2024 · A simple library for Nextion display that uses only four functions. I am using the default Nextion library. I have 2 pages with values. I understood the float Feb 14, 2019 · I have a seemingly simple question for probably c++ in general. It is begginer friendly as includes many examples with lots of comments in the code. I can't seem to get it to work. h> bool beepSwitchOn = EEPROM. 005g reliably. Displays. Aug 3, 2019 · The Nextion libraries, as they provide them, are cr@p, most especially w. A new approach with a lean object hierarchy for easy integration and use. h> #include <AccelStepper. This is code, what I write, but I got stuck, if I'm on the right way or if there is May 9, 2017 · Hello, I have some very basic coding experience and have been working on this project for a while now. Documents\Arduino\libraries contains libraries ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion Nextion. The run-time experience shows that Apr 3, 2017 · I have been struggling to get smooth communication between my Nextion LCD and an Arduino Nano for quite some time now. Feb 5, 2024 · Using the Nextion. Me personal I prefer to not use the nextion-library because then I don't rely on the specificness of this library. We have created two pages, first to control the LEDs and to show the data coming from DHT. h" #include "EasyNextionLibrary. 3; 1. The issue is that when I press a button, the command does not go to the ESP32. Nov 29, 2018 · I was working on interfacing a Nextion Display with Arduino Mega. I am busy building a milligram scale with the end goal of measuring to 0. Im trying to use PushCallback and PopCallbacks to fire pins on the Arduino. 2. I have tried using the delay to try and slow things down, but Jul 15, 2020 · Hey friends. I'm using the ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion library. h library and Accelstepper. Im looking for a little guidance as i cant seam to figure out where my problem is. 1. A repertory with the examples of Easy Nextion Library,Power ON OFF a LED from Nextion, Trigger fuctions on Arduino From Nextion, AnalogRead to nextion Progress bar, AnalogRead To nextion Waveform, Change Pages And Send Float Values,Read And Write Mar 17, 2019 · Introduction Nextion displays include either a resistive touch panel (RTP) or capacitive touch panel (CTP) and provide an easy way to create a touch screen interface, or human machine interface (HMI) for your project. Thanks sir. I'm trying using Nextion. But from time to time, i have problems reading the text from the textbox. Jan 8, 2024 · Nextion Arduino library provides an easy-to-use way to manipulate Nextion serial displays. When I use a single NexNumber instance, the loop goes very fast. You can easily benefit from Nextion's wide range of features and advantages in just a few easy steps. - Seithan/EasyNextionLibrary Oct 14, 2021 · You could start by removing the probably offending blanks from the Nextion command, and retest. I'm trying to take a contactless temperature reading of a user using the mlx90614 and if the temperature is above 38'C it will send an SMS. t. bco=63488"); You can test the correct syntax from the Nextion GUI application. This is handy for troubleshooting. The DHT sensors are very popular with Arduino. I have one issue: some of my settings data, which I enter in Nextion display, are above 2^16 (65536); for example (66000), I only received the rest after 65536, which was 464. While the nextion code assignes it a name that more clearly indicates what it is doing. h> #define TEXT_TYPE 0; const int numTextBoxes = 16; NexText myText[numTextBoxes]; for (int i = 0; i < numTextBoxes; i++) { char Mar 4, 2019 · Hello, I am currently working on a Nextion Display with an Arduino Due. My current code is: main. Jul 25, 2017 · NEXTION TUTORIAL-BASED ON NEXTION ARDUINO LIBRARY. Users can use the libarry freely, either in commerical projects or open-source prjects, without any additional condiitons. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated Nothing happens when i touch the button #include <doxygen. I have a sketch with a variable called const long interval = 10000 (It is located above the void setup(){ of the sketch) I need to take the numeric value from a Number Box on the Nextion display with ID n61 (that use the Nextion numeric keypad) to May 26, 2019 · The forum on the Nextion site that used to the THE place to get answers appears to no longer be enabled! All I want to do it have several buttons, and several text controls that get updated continuously by the Arduino. The Nextion code is very sensitive about spaces . Arduino library for Nextion displays. I modified the getvalue function from the nextion lib and it worked. According to tutorials, we have some options for this as using Nextion. 2: 309: May 5, 2021 Jul 1, 2023 · To make this project, Nextion with Arduino UNO, first, you need to create the user interface on Nextion Editor. 8" display. h" #include "AiEsp32RotaryEncoder. See Using Nextion displays with Arduino for help printing to a Nextion text box. We will keep updating with more examples. Feb 8, 2023 · Hi all. I have an Arduino mega with a nextion 5" tft thinking this would help me have a nice gui and I'm hitting brick walls left and right. The compiling aborted with this error-message Alternatives for Nextion. The way it handles the serial communications is about as brain-dead as it can be, and often causes lost messages, especially event messages, and sometimes causes the whole system to just hang. I currently have some DMX code using the serial port, so I need to move one of them. I sent the display back to the store. h> #include <SoftwareSerial. I read tons of forums and pages but regardless of what I do I only always get number 0 or nothing from Nextion. The displays require a spare serial port to communicate with them. h" #include "MP8859. The GUI has 3 Pages. x. Access the link and download the library. Is there any way to eliminate this? Here is my code: String Data = ""; void Jan 27, 2023 · Hello, I'm using a nextion display and I wanna seperate all my screen functions into another file. My project requires 2 Nextion displays. Nextion. This causes faster communication between Arduino and Nextion LCD. This new major updated library version has atleast following improvements: Added support for multiple nextion displays: Dec 7, 2017 · Hello, I'v had a problem all day whit a button in my Nextion 2. You can define the answers that were send to the microcontroller on your own in the user-code field. Mar 3, 2020 · Home / Programming / Library / Nextion . 100ms per Nextion Using SoftwareSerial (Arduino): The original Nextion Arduino library requires hardware serial. My goal is to get the . in page0 my value in n0. 0" display https://amzn. cpp and in that file, I have expanded the nexLoop function to retrieve a page number for me. Dec 16, 2019 · Hello, I am now struggling for quite a while with the Nextion display and Arduino Mega. h” A repertory with the examples of Easy Nextion Library,Power ON OFF a LED from Nextion, Trigger fuctions on Arduino From Nextion, AnalogRead to nextion Progress bar, AnalogRead To nextion Waveform, Change Pages And Send Float Values,Read And Write Number,Write Text And Commands on nextion Nextion Arduino library provides an easy-to-use way to manipulate Nextion serial displays. In another project, I need the nextion returning some value after the release of a button. I try to connec t nextion lcd 2. h" class CDisplay { public: CDisplay(); void init(); void process(); void switchPagePopCallback(void * ptr Jul 18, 2021 · This topic was automatically closed 120 days after the last reply. I'm working on an HMI using a nextion screen and it's great and compatible with arduino's boards. here is where I fail. The GUI offers a settings menu. Does anyone know Jun 18, 2019 · I know about the Nextion but I don't use the libraries. The Aug 8, 2016 · GitHub - bborncr/nextion: A simple Nextion HMI library for Arduino. The communication data length is sort. Finally, re-open your Arduino IDE. May 29, 2021 · Download and install arduino IDE, and download Nextion_library from ITEAD github page and stored them in your \arduino\arduino-1. I have written some corresponding Arduino code to go with the Nextion program, using the Nextion library. cpp #include "Arduino. New replies are no longer allowed. However, as I add more, it seems like the loop starts to slow down with approx. wu@itead. ino * * @par How to Use * This example shows that when the button component on the Nextion screen is released, * the text of this button will plus one every time. h> # Feb 21, 2024 · Hello Guys! I am new to arduino and the nextion display! I have a project that we are using 6 ds18b20 sensors and 1 DHT22 sensor for temperature and humidity. I'm usingy Perry Bebbington's serial method. But when I do this in a function, it seems like the displays can't keep up and miss the text or change page commands. The same setup worked perfectly with an Arduino Uno R3. code: #include <Nextion. I am happy to help if you base your project on my tutorial using Nextion displays with Arduino, which does not use Nextion libraries. read(1); bool Jun 7, 2019 · As many people are aware, the Arduino library provided by Nextion is, well, cr@p. 0. 1 Jul 10, 2019 · Manuel_o: This was the solution. Jan 21, 2021 · Good day all, Going to start this off with the classic "I am new to Arduino", so there is still a lot to learn for me. The buttons work fine, and do everything they need to do using the callback interface provided by the Nextion library. I tried renaming a second nextion as b but apparently I cannot use the same library for the 2 displays? #include <Nextion. If i use library nextion. h" Used: E:\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Nextion Not used: E:\Documents\Arduino\libraries\NeoNextion exit status 1 that might be the issue, it should actually be looking in the sketch folder with the " Dec 10, 2019 · Hello friends. Jun 18, 2019 · Hello I have a Nextion screen that needs to use the serial ports on my Pro Mini. I am trying to setup an application that has 16 text boxes on a Nextion basic display. h If you are in the main-folder of the GitHub-library in the upper-right you see a green button code click on this button and choose download Feb 24, 2021 · Examples for Easy Nextion Library. Slider has values from range 0-100, so use map() for new speeds and angles. Jul 13, 2020 · In this video, I show how to send data to a Nextion Display from an Arduino without the Nextion Library. Could you help me about this problem? I use: The latest version of Arduino 1. Download the required files and create the GUI for the required code. but in the serial monitor is fine! Also i have changed the display with another one and the problem still remains Please give me some feedback Aug 5, 2019 · If you look in my tutorial part 4 I have included 'Arduino Nextion scroll demonstration', (note to anyone reading this in the future, this will almost certainly change as I add new ideas to the demonstration) this also includes a method of the Arduino triggering the Nextion to send something to the Arduino. Aug 16, 2023 · A lot of libraries can be installed with the library-manager inside the Arduino-IDE. be/b9j7fX45qDoHere are some affiliate links you can use to support my channel7. h file Dec 2, 2024 · Hi guys, I need some help with my arduino code. I noticed that the screen has blurry spots on a white background only, not on other color backgrounds. c_str Apr 26, 2020 · Rename your folder from ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion-master to ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion. The method works fine if the text box Jan 11, 2020 · Hello guys, I'm not using the library because for my application it would create so much unnessesary code i want to avoid. h) extern "C" char* utoa(int a, char Oct 28, 2021 · I'm currently using the ITEADLIB_Arduinoo_Nextion-Master library, and have the latest version. I use an ESP32 and a Nextiondisplay. I'm using a number widget and a float widget in the nextion. How do I go about using Oct 17, 2021 · dear friends, I bought a nextion intelligent display to use as a GUI for my arduino project. V2. EDIT: After further investigation checkbox is not the issue. Now i want to read the text from the textbox and do further stuff with it in my code. 6 (latest) 1. 8. Please visit our examples here. 4 inch. C: / Program Files (x86) / Arduino / libraries Mar 30, 2017 · Hello! So i have been using my Mega and Nextion successfully and now i have decided to try the Intel Edison. Compared to the published code in the above Blog posts, the usage of the library has again be simplified due to heavy code reworking before publishing it here. Sep 15, 2017 · Introduction Nextion Arduino library provides an easy-to-use method way to manipulate Nextion displays series. So, any number above 65536 can't be received correctly. For more information about the Nextion display project, please visit the wiki。 The Oct 28, 2019 · I am trying to wrap the nextion library (GitHub - itead/ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion) into a class called Display. I've created a "Lift Angle Function" with a default value set to 52 and with the "Button Minus Function" and "Button Plus Function" I can increase or decrease that default value. The situation is simple. reporting events, and getting the values of Nextion variables. So I have a function which works for one button. #include <EEPROM. Configure Library for Arduino UNO. At the minute, the button is ineffective and the Jul 16, 2017 · Hello . Is everything "good practise"? Thx in advance. I have gotten it to work but it seems like when I add more and more components such as NexNumber, the Arduino lifecycle loop() starts to slow down very fast. Latest source code A simple library that uses only four functions. b1Press goes true on button press, and false on button On an Arduino UNO, you might use either the Nextion on Serial and no debugging or the Nextion on a SoftwareSerial port and use Serial for debugging. To get the best from them requires an understanding of how to drive them, and what works and doesn't work. Aug 16, 2023 · From a question that was post here I'm still using Arduino-IDE 1. cc>) * @date 2015/7/10 * @updated 2016/12/25 bring HMI up to v0. Next, open arduino IDE, create a new project file, write programs based on Nextion library to get four buttons control switches. I'm working with an Arduino Mega and it's functioning properly but now I'll switch to an ATmega32m1 instead so what is it should I change in my nextion library to make it compatible with this. Display . A simple library for Nextion display that uses only four functions. 0 NX8048T050 TFT 8 Relay board Hello and good evening. For advanced users the custom protocol of library can prove to be a powerful tool as it can be easily modified to meet one’s needs. A simple library that uses only four functions. May 10, 2018 · The halltach code uses the predefined( in the arduino library) pin name A0 so it doesn't need to be declared. Im not copying my full procect here, because there are about 400 lines of code which aren't important for this issue. 0 Jun 22, 2016 · Hi guys, I got one Nextion screen working on pins 10 and 11 with Softwareserial. So it seems that the esp can send but not receive. In Nextion Editor, we define an event release “printh 23 02 54 01” for the ON button and an event release “printh 23 02 54 02” for the Off button. h> NexButton s = NexButton(10 , 8 , "S"); NexButton br = NexButton(10 , 2 , "R"); NexTouch *nex_listen_list Oct 7, 2023 · Hello everybody I am using Nextion Library from bborncr; it is really easy and fast. I looked at the code, and found whoever wrote had not the slightest clue what they were doing, as the code does some This library is compatible with all architectures so you should be able to use it on all the Arduino boards. Normally, one starts the Arduino by applying power to it. If you have both, you will need a library for each. Can you help me ? What i need to put inside the do-while for making the blinking stop. There are 3 chapters in the tutorial. Source Code as below: #include “NexButton. print the code blocks maybe 10ms or something like this, and this make the stepper blocks a little when it is running. Hi Manuel, How exactly did you modify the lib? – Iteadlib Arduino Nextion Library v0. The display is connected to its' own 5V power supply separate from the Arduino Nano with a shared ground. setText is not surprisingly expecting a variable containing text ( the clue is in the name ), you want it to send the value of a variable so you have to convert that into a string, try:- May 7, 2020 · Looking for a little guidance here. I'm trying to use the examples for it and the one uses RTClib, however its not RTClib but RTCLib. This library is compatible with all architectures so you should be able to use it on all the Apr 2, 2019 · ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion. Now Im trying to port it over and have a couple small issues. 53 – Arduino IDE v1. It has many views, but I was never really happy with it. Apr 14, 2021 · Hi I have a problem, I'm using Nextion with ESP32, and I need to debug with dbSerial. If there is not some sort of waiting time between the commands (try to avoid the delay() function command), it will cause buffer overflows to Nextion and Arduino, as the speed rate data is sent is much higher than the speed of the Serial, for Nextion and Arduino. Unzip the file and paste it into the libraries folder of the Arduino IDE. Move the ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion folder to your Arduino IDE installation libraries folder. system March 9, 2017, 2:10pm Aug 11, 2019 · Hi guys, I'm using a Nextion display through the ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion library. The produced code size is small. Old deprecated Enhanced Nextion Library with single display support can be found with Release tag 0. When you switch the pages, the plotted datapoints disappear and the plot starts from the begining when u call the page again. by searching with this keywords nextion access element of another page Sep 30, 2019 · I'm using a Nextion display with multiple buttons to On/Off toggle lights. My STOP button can work multiple times as long as its the first and only button I press when the arduino resets. h" #include "Adafruit_INA219. Do you really want to get stuck in a while() loop? Jul 11, 2019 · Hey friends You can trigger a event in Nextion via <<click "thingToBeClicked",0>>. The problem now is that only the first sensor in t10 doesnt changes in the Nextion display. 4; 1. Sep 1, 2019 · We don’t use any Nextion LCD library; Nextion has a protocol to send the ID of different components via Serial, but it is very difficult to use it. When I received the screen, I immediately started using it. Eg. I previously had this working without a class, in a simpler sketch. What I would like to do is have one function and just pass the button press states to it. At first,you’d better download the … Apr 1, 2023 · Hi all, we try to develop a project by using Arduino Giga R1 WiFi. Nov 11, 2024 · Good day, I am having a problem with my current project where the trigger function from the EasyNextionDisplay library is not executing the code within it while specifically using a Nextion Intelligent display. header: #ifndef _DISPLAY_h #define _DISPLAY_h #include "Nextion. To thus far I've managed to correct a lot of errors by working through numerous threads on this forum as well as others but I am currently baffled. 52 The ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion-master's library And Sep 14, 2018 · Hi there ::slight_smile: , I'm struggling to improve the code of this project. I want to keep track of the current page on the display, therefore I want to update the variable pageNum every time the swtichPage button is pressed. h> SoftwareSerial nextion(10, 11);// Nextion TX to pin 10 and RX Jun 8, 2023 · using the nextion-library or not using the nextion-library. Feel free to let me know anything that could be improved for efficiency and spee. I am using the Nextion library to utilize touch events. . The returned value is 4294951785 but I entered 500. I am now taking my project into a next level and I need 2 touch screens connected to the same Mega. txt"; sendCommand(cmd. x\libraries; 6. Perhaps you have some other definition of "start" in mind. val I am not sure about my code for the currentpageID This is my first time Oct 17, 2016 · Trigger Nextion "start" button to start the arduino. nexSerial. Other thing what it is strange , if i make a bypas between Serial and Serial2 i can upload nextion hmi files in my nextion, so Jan 10, 2022 · Hi everyone, I'm using a ESP32, and I'm trying to read data from the Nextion display. A simple Nextion HMI library for Arduino. 5; 1. but I do have temp displays that are showing up on the screen. Sending data to the Nextion is fine but receiving is the problem. I probably will want to redo this video in time, but Mar 30, 2022 · Hello there, recently I've started a Projekt at work but now I ran into some problems with my proggy. bdfn hualfpls drgdn dtcf pavpb ltcukh zhoea juqskv arosfl ziahr